Just Downloaders. Download Now. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook. Newer Post Older Post Home. It has a simple interface and it downloads videos directly fr GetRight: Compact but fitted with all the necessary download features.
GetRight helps users with an unreliable internet connection continue their downloads where they left off, instead of having to start over fr One of the most popular, fastest and easiest way to download Youtube videos is now available on Opera platform. Supporting direct video down Website Ripper Copier: Automatically download all content from a web page.
Website Ripper Copier is unique in that it lets you download entire websites for offline browsing or archiving. WRC offers pop-up free brows WebZIP: Collect web content to browse offline. WebZIP is light on resources and basically runs on any computer. Save images, music, and other media files to keep for offline use. The app Firefox YouTube Downloader plugin and Chrome YouTube Downloader plugin which will be inserted in your browser give you a handy option of fas There are a bunch of YouTube video downloader software available online either free or to buy, but why to buy if you can download YouTube vi Download add-ons for browsers.
Download add-ons for browsers Firefox Size: 3. Important : If you find bugs, use these debugging tips and send an email to deadline. The download button is displayed below the video player and it looks like any other YouTube button. How to use it? After installing the extension, go to YouTube. You'll notice a new "Download" button below the player. Click the button and you can select one of the formats that are available.
What are the download options? Use this format if you want to play higher quality videos on a tablet, laptop or a phone with HD display. YouTube switched to adaptive streams and uses separate files for video and audio, which need to be merged to get a video file. This is more complicated and requires more advanced tools ffmpeg , so I haven't added them yet. How to watch the downloaded videos? Using a different browser? The extension is based on a Greasemonkey script.
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