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Days of the month are designated by a number and the month name. For example, sages would record an event as occurring on "1 Mirtul" or "27 Ukta r.

In addition, the Calendar of Ha rptos specifies five annua l festivals keyed to the cha nging of the seasons and one quadrennial festival that a re observed in almost every land, with particula r celebrations va rying based on local traditions and popular faiths.

The' first festival day of the year is known generally as Midwinter, though some people name it differently. Nobles a nd monarchs of the Heartlands look to the High Festival of Winter as a day to commemorate or renew alliances. Commoners in the North , the Moonsea , a nd other, colder climes celebrate Deadwinter Day as a marking of the midpoint of the cold season, with hard times still ahead, but some of the worst days now past.

The traditiona l beginning of s pring, Greengrass is celebrated by the dis play of freshly cut flowers grown in special hothouses wherever the climate doesn't permit flowers so early that are given as gifts to the gods or s pread among the fi elds in hopes of a bountiful a nd s peedy growing season. The midpoint of summer is a day of feasting, carousing, betrothals , and basking in the pleasant weather. S torms on Mids ummer night a re seen as bad omens and signs of ill fortune, and s ometimes interpreted as divine disapproval of the romances or ma rriages s parked by the day's events.

The great holiday of the Calendar of Harptos , Shieldmeet occurs once every four years immediately after Midsummer. It is a day for plain speaking and open council between rulers and their s ubjects, for the renewal of pacts and contracts , and for treaty ma king between peoples. Ma ny tournaments a nd contests of skill are held on S hieldmeet, and most faiths mark the holiday by emphasizing one of their key tenets.

The next S hieldmeet will be observed in DR. A day of fe asting a nd thanks, Highharvestide marks the fall ha rvest. Most humans give tha nks to Chauntea on this day fo r a plentiful bounty before winter approaches. Many who make their living by traveling road or sea set out immediately following the holiday, before winter comes on in full force and blocks mounta in passes and harbors. The Feast of the Moon. As nights lengthen and winter winds begin to approach, the Feast of the Moon is the time when people celebrate their ancestors and their honored dead.

During festivals on this day, people gather to s hare stories and legends, offer praye rs for the fallen, and prepare for the coming cold. The concept of hours and minutes exists mainly where wealthy people use clocks , but mechanical clocks are often unreliable, and rarely are two set to the s ame time.

If a local temple or civic structure has a clock that tolls out the passing of the hours, people refer to hours as "bells ," as in "I'll meet you at seven bells. Astronomers and navigators who closely watched the stars couldn't fail to see that there were nights when they seemed to hang in the sky. The winter of lasted longer than normal. It was then noted that the solstices and equinoxes had somehow shifted, beginning with the s pring equinox fallin g on Greengrass of DR. The seasons followed suit, with each starting later and ending later.

This shift in seasons has caused some sages, and the priests of Chauntea, to consider changing the marking of s ome of the annual feast days, but most folk counsel patience, believing that the seasons will fall back to their previous cycle over the coming years.

Comparatively recent history is the story of the rise and deeds of humans and other younger races. Much of what follows in this section is known mainly by sages, some of whom have been alive for the last few centuries of Faerfm's history.

The common folk across the continent have little knowledge of, and little use for, events that have transpired far away in time and s pace. News does travel, of course, so even people who live in a village along the Sword Coast might get wind of happenings in distant lands. Those were the Days of Thunder.

The age of the creator races came to a sudden end some thirty thousand years ago. Perhaps their wars reached a terrible and inevitable crescendo, or they tampered with forbidden forces.

For whatever reason, the world changed, and their vast empires vanished. All that remains of them are ruins and the scattered lizardfolk, bullywug, and aarakocra tribes, barbaric descendants of those who once ruled the world. The elves raised up the nations of Aryvandaar, Ardeep, and Ilythiir. Wood elves and moon elves founded the kingdom of Eaerlann in the Delimbiyr Valley and the High Forest, and separatists from Aryvandaar settled Miyeritar in the lands of the present-day High Moor and Misty Forest.

The dwarf clans united as the nation of Delzoun, named for its forge-founder, with dwarfholds built on sites ranging from the Ice Mountains to the Nether Mountains and the Narrow Sea, and settlements and halls westward to the Crags and the Sword Mountains. The Proud People regularly defended their homelands against ore hordes that arose from the mountains of the Spine of the World and surged southward to attack and pillage.

The spell succeeded, but it rippled backward and forward in time, and the land was sundered, changing the face of the world. The largest continent of this new world is now called Faert1n. Far from its western shores rose the isle of Evermeet, considered a part of Arvandor, the home of the elven gods on the plane of Arborea, and a bridge between worlds. Lasting some three thousand years, these conflicts culminated in the Dark Disaster, in which terrible storms engulfed Miyeritar, turning it into a wasteland within a single season, leaving behind the area now known as the High Moor.

The high mages of Aryvandaar are blamed for the destruction, although no proof was ever produced. The vengeful dark elves of Ilythiir turned to corrupt and demonic powers, unleashing them against Aryvandaar. In the centuries of destruction that followed , elf priests and high mages fervently prayed to Corellon Larethian and the gods of the elven pantheon for salvation. Now finding themselves pained by exposure to daylight, the drow-in a mere two months' time- retreated from the sunlit lands of the World Above into the Underdark.

They abandoned all loyalty to the elven gods who betrayed and banished them , turning instead to Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders, as their patron. Wars soon began between the drow and the underground cities of the dwarves.

Deep in the Underdark, the drow fought wars of survival and conquest in their new domain. The Netherese learned the use of magic from the Eaerlanni elves and became renowned wizards. Centuries later, they discovered the arcane texts known as the Nether Scrolls in the ruins of Aryvandaar and subsequently abandoned the practices of the Eaerlanni in order to procure even greater magical power.

Netheril grew to become an invincible nation of magic and wonders, dominating much of the North for three thousand years. Then the power-mad Netherese arcanist Karsus attempted to usurp the role of the goddess of magic. The resulting disruption in the fabric of magic sent Netheril's floating cities crashing to the ground, destroyed a host of other wards and enchantments, and brought about the end of the great empire.

Nearly fifteen hundred years ago, the human settlers of the Dalelands and the elves of Cormanthor pledged their alliance in an agreement known as the Dales Compact.

A monument called the Standing Stone was erected to mark the occasion, and the advent of Dalereckoning was decreed, beginning with the year 1 DR. This method of numbering the years in Toril's history has spread across Faert1n and is commonly understood if not universally accepted. The city of Neverwinter- called Eigersstor when it was a mere settlement-was founded in 87 DR. On the banks of the River Raurin, the humble community of Silverymoon Ford came into being in DR, and less than two centuries later it had grown to become the city of Silverymoon.

In DR, a village and trading post on the shore of a deep bay in the shadow of a great mountain was named Nimoa r's Hold , a fter the Uthgardt chieftain who claimed the area a nd forti fied it. T he place became known to sea capta ins as "Waterdeep," a name that dis placed the original within a few generations. In DR, Ahghairon, heir to the arts of Netheril , saved the city from itself by unseating Waterdeep's wa rlord and would-be emperor, Raurlor.

Ahghairon declared that wisdom , not strength of a rms , wo uld rule in the city from now on, and created the Lords of Waterdeep.

These and other nations and great city-states rose to prominence along the Sword Coast, fo rming a cha in along the Trade Way from Illusk in the fa r nor th to Baldur's Gate in the south, nea r the borders of Arnn. Like their elven a nd dwa rven predecessors , they fo ught off attacks by savage hu ma noids, including ore hordes from the S pine of the World.

Waterdeep, guided by its mysterious Lords, became a rising power, while old Illusk fell to the ores for decades, until it was eventually reclaimed and the city of Luskan built upon its ruins. Throughout this period, civilization struggles against the savage fo rces of chaos, and life attempts to persevere against the agents of death and strife, sometimes in places where even the gods themselves have not been exempt from destruction.

The last one hundred fifty yea rs have comprised one of the most cataclysmic periods in Faeriln's history. On no fewer than three occasions, Tori! In seeking to recover their divinity, they wa rred among themselves.

Magic became unpredictable, and the praye rs of the fa ithful went unanswered. Some of the gods-turned-mortal were slain, while a handful of mortals ascended to godhood, assuming the responsibilities of the dead deities. The shadow-touched nobles of the city almost immediately began hunting for ancient Netherese ruins and artifacts and preparing for a restoration of their once-great empire.

This act ripped asunder the fabric of magic in the world, unleashing its raw power in a catastrophe called the S pell plague. Thousands of prac- titioners of the Art were driven mad or killed, while the face of Faer iln was reshaped by waves and veils of mystic blue fi re. Entire nations were displaced or exchanged with realms from other worlds , a nd pa rts of the ea rth were torn free to float in the a ir.

The fi rst indication of new turmoil ca me in DR, when Bhaa l, the long-dead god of murder, was reborn in Baldur's Gate amid chaos a nd bloodshed, leaving two of the city's dukes a nd many of its citizens dead. The return of Bhaal and his appa rent recla mation of the doma in of murder fro m Cyric led some scholars a nd sages to believe that the rules by which all deities must abide were in flu x.

In , strange cala mities began to occur throughout Faeril n. An earthquake s truck Iriaebor. A plague of locusts afflicted Arnn. Dro ughts gripped the southern la nds as the sea steadily receded in places. Amid this tumult, conflict broke out in many regions of the continent. The ores of Many-Arrows warred agains t the dwarfholds of the North and their a llies. Sembia invaded the Dalela nds , and Cormyr raised an army to come to the aid of the Dalesfolk.

Netheril brought forces to Cormyr's border, a nd Cormyr was drawn into a wa r on both fronts. Throughout this period, ta les began to s pread of individuals who had been touched by the gods and granted stra nge powers.

Some of these so-called Chosen were at the root of the conAicts that gri p the land. S ome seemed driven by divine purpose, while others claimed to be mystified as to why they would be singled out.

In Anauroch, seeing that Netherese fo rces were s pread thin, the long-subjugated Bedine people rebelled. Having defeated or besieged the dwarfholds of the North, ores ma rch on Silverymoon. In Cormyr and S embia, the Netherese and the Cormyreans traded ground, while the Dalelands became a war zone. As if to offset the drought in the south , in the autumn of 5 the Great Ra in began to fa ll around the Sea of Fallen S ta rs a nd continued unceasingly.

W hile the waters rose to the east in early , the tide turned against the ores in the North, and by the end of the year their a rmies were broken a nd scattered. Also during that year, the elves of Myth Drannor came to the aid of the Dalelands and helped push back Sembian forces.

In Waterdeep a nd Neverwinter, efforts were made to clear those cities of century-old rubble a nd neglect. Cormyr repulsed the last of the S embian a nd Netherese forces from the nation, reclaiming its territory, a nd recalled its forces, turning inwa rd to address issues of rebuilding. Late in , the Great Rain finally abated, but this event didn't signify an end to the chaos.

The S ea of Fallen Stars had grown, submerging great swaths of land beneath its waves. Early in , earthqua kes and volcanic eruptions abounded for months, as if the whole world was convulsing. Rumors spread of chasms caused by the Spellplague suddenly vanishing, and stories circulated of known destinations being farth er away from one another, as if the world had quietly added miles of wilderness to the dista nce between them.

Word began to s pread of places and peoples not heard from s ince the S pell plag ue. It became appa rent that some of the effects of that terrible time had been reversed. During the year, ships cla iming to be from Evermeet, Lantan , and Nimbra l- nations thought vanished or destroyed- sailed into ports on the Sword Coast and in the Shining South.

Ta les spread of the legendary skyships of Halruaa being spotted in southern skies. In a struggle for control of Myth Drannor's my thal and the Weave itself, the flying capital of Netheril was brought crashing down on Myth Drannor, resulting in the cataclysmic destruction of both. As the year drew to a close, there were nights when the heavens seemed to ha ng motionless.

Throughout much of Faeriln , the winter of and lasted longer than any on record. The solstices and equinoxes had somehow drifted.

Later seasons followed suit, with each starting and ending later tha n expected. Prayers to the gods for knowledge and mercy seemed to go unacknowledged, apart from the presence of their Chosen. Although the ores were defeated in the North, the League of Silver Ma rches was dis banded in , as fo rmer allies blamed one a nother for failures in the wa r. Sembia divided into separate city-states only nominally allied with one another. While a handful of settlements s urvived, the Netherese Empire was no more.

The rema inder of the Netherese forces battle with the Bedine over control of the Memory S pire, thought to be a tomb of the phaerimm , Netheril's ancient enemies.

The battle awakens what turns out to be a hive of the creatures , and they use the life and magic-draining power of the s pire against the la nds below. By , many of the wars th at began during the Sundering had ground to a close.

Other conflicts arose, and mighty threats s till imperiled the world, but the deities ceased interfering with the world through their Chosen. The gods were no longer silent but quiet, and in ma ny places new priesthoods arose to interpret the gods' now s ubtle signs. The world today seems a place filled with new lands and opportunities , where those who dare can leave their ma rk. S tudents of history and those elves and dwarves who recall the past that short-lived humans see as distant perceive a world much like it was over a century ago.

For most folk, wild tales of people empowered by the gods, and of far-off lands returned to the world, are the s ubjects of fireside chatter. Daily concerns and the da ngers and opportunities just beyond their doors take precedence, and plenty of both remain on the Sword Coast and in the North. Any understanding of magic begins, and ends, with an understanding of the Weave. Some creatures, objects, and locations have deep, intrinsic ties to the Weave and can perform extraordinary feats that come naturally to them a beholder's flight, a va mpire's cha rming gaze, a dragon's breath weapon , and so forth.

Creatures with the necessary talent and s kill can also manipulate the Weave to perform magic by casting spells. The Weave isn't norma lly visible or detectable, even through the use of s pells. Detect magic doesn't let you perceive the Weave, for instance. The Weave isn't magic, precisely, any more than a collection of threads is a garment; it's the raw material from which the tapestry of magic is woven.

In two senses , both the metaphorical and the real, the goddess Mystra is the Weave. She is its keeper and tender, but a ll three times the goddess of magic has died or been separated from her divinity twice as Mystra , a nd once as her predecessor, Mystryl , magic has been twis ted or has fail ed entirely.

With Mystra's last death and the coming of the Spellplague, the Weave was thought destroyed, and the term lost its significa nce. Since the end of the most recent Sundering, both Mystra and the Weave have returned to their roles of centuries past, and s pells and magic items a re more reliable tha n they had been while the Spellplague raged. The mental state of the user is vita lly important: monks and some psionics-users train long and hard to attain the right frame of mind , while creatures with supernatural powers have that mind-set in their nature.

How these abilities are related to the Weave remains a matter of debate; many students of the arcane believe that the use of the so-called Unseen Art is an aspect of magical talent that can't be directly studied or taught. MAGIC ITEMS Where a s pell effect is brought to life by manipulating the threads of the Weave, the creation of a magic item ties some of those threads together in a specific way, to produce the desired effect for as long as the item lasts.

The Weave provides immediately available energy for spells and also enables those who know the craft to har- ness that energy inside an object until it is called forth by its user who, of course, need not be a spellcaster.

In some cases, the magic of an item must be tied to its wielder; representing an entwining of the threads of the Weave between wielder and object known as attunement. As with all matters related to magic, the number of items to which a s ingle being can be attuned is limited , but the benefits of such a relationship can be considerable. A m ythal is a permanent field of overlapping magical wards and effects tied to a specific location.

In its original usage, this term applied to the works of High Magic that protected ancient elven cities. It has since been expanded to cover all manner of similar protections, from the immense floating cities of fallen Netheril to the wards of Silverymoon to the smaller- but no less effective- workings of magic that keep safe important locations like Candlekeep.

Even the many-layered wards and effects of Undermountain, beneath Waterdeep, are considered a mythal by some. Most my thals are defensive in nature, designed to restrict the kinds of magic that can be employed in the area they govern, and the most common restrictions are concerned with teleportation and conjuration magic.

Evereska's mythal influences the weather of the area and wards its inhabitants against disease, while the mythal of undersea Myth Nantar makes its waters breathable and more comfortable for creatures not s uited to underwater life.

In many ways, a mythal is less like a spell or a magic item than a living creation of magic, capable of growing stronger or weaker, absorbing damage, or dying. Mythals can also sometimes heai themselves, as did the mythal of Silverymoon, blossoming out of the Moonbridge following Mystra's most recent return. Each active mythal has one or more beings attuned to its effects, who can ignore any restrictions on spellcasting, can direct targetable effects of the mythal, and can teach others of appropriate s kill how to access its secrets.

Except in cities such as Silverymoon and Evereska, adventurers are most likely to encounter damaged or failing mythals in ruined locations where magic once had great influence. Although an identify spell might reveal some of the simplest effects of a mythal, active restrictions on spellcasting can be discovered only by trying and failing to cast a prohibited spell.

A powerful spellcaster might learn how to access or repair a mythal without assistance, but s uch feats are legendary, and rarely attempted by even the most renowned of mages. The ruins of such places are certain to have unpredictable effects related to their damaged or destroyed my thals.

The Weave itself also has irregularities that affect spells. Detect Magic. Detect magic reveals threads of the Weave woven together through spellcasting, or the "knots " of the Weave in a magic item. A magic item appears enmeshed in the silvery-blue threads of the Weave, and the way the threads are arranged revea ls what type of magic is used necromancy, abjuration, and so on.

Similarly, active spells and areas imbued with magic are limned in a silvery network of threads, which might twist and reknit themselves depending on the magic involved. Dispel Magic. Dispel magic unwinds and prematurely ends magic, unraveling whatever construct of the Weave was put in place.

Antimagic effects can dispel existing spells and unravel any magic woven from the Weave. Permanent effects, such as those from magic items , are usually suppressed by anti magic: while the effect is within an area of anti magic, the construct of the Weave unravels, but the threads snap back into place once the magic is outside the area.

Dead Magic. In rare areas of dead magic, the Weave is absent. Not only do spells and magic items cease to function, but even the supernatural abilities of creatures that are innately tied to the Weave might fail as the knot of the Weave they carry with them unravels. Wild Magic. In an area of wild magic, the Weave becomes "tangled ," spontaneously forming its own constructs and resulting magic.

It also tends to twist the constructs of the Weave created by spellcasting, causing unexpected results. The gods play a role in the lives of nearly everyone, from the mightiest lord to the meanest urchin. The various races of Tori! Although exceptions exist- the gods of Mulhorand, for example- all the gods are revered across all of FaerCm.

Most vocations have a patron deity: farmers make offerings to Chauntea for the prosperity of their crops, clerks sharpen their quills with a prayer to Deneir, while pious merchants remember to set coins aside for Waukeen at the end of the day. Most people worship a deity associated with their livelihood, family, or home, while others feel called to a particular god for a variety of reasons.

Individuals often carry or wear a small token of thei r favored deity: a pendant or a pin in the image of the god's holy symbol, or some other personal keepsake. In addition, people regularly venerate gods based on their needs and circumstances: a farmer whose favored deity is Chauntea would pray to Amaunator for a few clear, sunny days, and a Waterdhavian noble who habit- ually worships Denier would give thanks to Sune after a successful coming-out party for her son.

Even priests of particular gods acknowledge the roles that other deities play in the world and in their lives. In general, worshipers view their relationships with the gods as practical and reciprocal: they pray and make offerings because that is how one invites the blessings of the gods and turns away their wrath.

These prayers and other acts of devotion are generally performed quietly at the shrine in one's household or community, or occasionally in a temple dedicated to one's deity, when a worshiper feels the need to "come knocking upon a god's door" to ask for attention. Forms of worship are often acts of veneration: giving thanks for favor shown, making requests for future blessings, and offering praise for the deity's intercessions, large and small. Because most folk in FaerO.

A hunter or a farmer might make offerings to Malar in hopes of keeping predators at bay, and a sailor might pray to Umberlee that she withhold her wrath for the duration of a voyage. Nonhuman races honor their own gods, for example, and people in faraway lands are known to worship altogether different gods.

Occasionally, foreigners bring the worship of these gods to FaerO. In addition, on rare occasions a new god comes into being, perhaps a mortal elevated to godhood or a deity whose arrival was foretold by prophets and leaders of new religions. In cosmopolita n places such as Waterdeep and Calimshan, small shrines and temples to strange gods spring up from time to time.

The burgeoning worship of a new deity is rarely a concern to the other gods of the FaerO. The methods of resolving such conflicts range from friendly dueling festivals or rites meant to emphasize the glory of one god over another, to campaigns of outright religious bloodshed. Over generations, a new god might become a settled-in member of the pantheon. Indeed, some scholars posit that FaerO.

Gods were struck down during the Time of Troubles, when the Spellplague wrought its destruction, and most recently when Netheril fell.

Some deities have even been slain by mortals wielding impossibly powerful magic. Compatible with Rage of Demons storyline: Make characters for use with the Out of the Abyss adventure and fight back the influence of the demon lords in the Underdark below the Sword Coast. New characters background and class option, players will love the storytelling possibilities of playing a noble of Waterdeep, an elf bladesinger, or one of the other new options, while Dungeon Master will relish a book full of mysterious will relish a book full of mysterious location and story hooks to keep players adventuring on the Sword Coast for years to come.

You can check the below: 1. Publication Date is 3 November 6. He has worked a lot on the Forgotten Realm material. He usually writes articles for Dragon magazine. The Dragon Magazine is one of the two official magazines for the source material for the Forgotten Realms. Jeremy Crawford- He is a game designer who works for the Wizards of the Coast who published this book and have also worked on the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

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