Download gpx file to viewranger on ios iphone

Io lo uso esclusivamente come strumento di routing e non di navigazione. Dipenda dal modello che possiedi Grazie Sandro per le tue informazioni Ciao Leo, a proposito di Orux che uso da diversi anni ormai vorrei chiederti una spiegazione. Recentemente ho dovuto cambiare smartphone Redmi 9C. Hai qualche idea?

Ciao Franc, purtroppo non ti so aiutare. Grazie e consiglio anche fatmap. Ciao Matteo, grazie dei consigli Non sono a conoscenza di una app del genere. Per spiegarmi meglio: se sull'altimetria selezioni la voce "strada" sulla traccia vengono evidenziate tutte le tratte di strada, stessa cosa se si selezione "sentiero", etc Non so di quale app parli, ma in tutti i casi credo che tutte quelle a pagamento abbiano un controllo in base al quale alla scadenza dell'abbonamento scadono anche le mappe.

Ho un problema diverso ma riconducibile all'argomento. Cerco un programma che possa caricare una mappa di base diversa dalle solite mappe di Google o geografiche. Qualcuno di questi programmi accetta mappe georefenziate diverse? Ciao Gianni, cerchi un programma desktop per caricare poi la mappa su un dispositivo GPS dedicato tipo Garmin o una applicazione?

Oggi mi sono spariti tutti i percorsi registrati su komoot! Ma davvero? In questi giorni sei riuscito a recuperare tutto? Tienici aggiornati e buone pedalate! Segnalo TraceMyTrail per registrare un percorso e condividerlo in seguito con altri, dotato di sistema di alert quando si arriva nelle vicinanze di un punto di interesse, oppure funzione di alert quando si va fuori percorso.

Salve a tutti, devo fare un cammino in campagna e registrare i km percorsi, il tempo di percorreza e il totale sui dislivelli. Cosa mi consigliate di semplice da usare? Ultimamente usiamo molto Komoot oppure Locus Map Free. Leo ITA - Cicloviaggiatore lento con il pallino per la scrittura e la fotografia.

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The Busby Flare feature is for users who haven't had a serious accident but needs help. Sending out 'Flare' will alert surrounding partnered bike shops, mechanics and users within miles that another user needs help. The team behind the Busby app are already behind the scenes on the next updates with a Group Ride feature coming soon. Available for: Iso and Android.

Website: www. Launched in Ride with GPS will handle in depth ride analysis, turn by turn navigation, and even has Garmin Varia compatibility. The real strength of RidewithGPS though is in its extensive library of user uploaded routes. See where others have ridden then create a route that works for you and send it your smartphone or bike computer of choice. Bikemap brings together over 5. You can browse popular routes nearby - and Bikemap has over 3 million users worldwide.

You can also search for bike shops and public bathrooms. Upgrade to premium to save maps and view them offline. Wattson Blue is a training app with a focus on recovery. You can use your phone's camera to record your heart rate variability. Changes in this can suggest overtraining, oncoming illness - basically signs it's time to back off. The app also asks you about your sleep, nutrition, and pairs with Strava to monitor your training load - then charting your activity and recovery levels over time.

VONCRANK lets you order a mechanic straight to your door anywhere within the M25 - ideal if you don't totally trust yourself, and your local bike shop is fully booked. The on-demand app connects users with a network of qualified, approved mechanics who will meet you at your desired location to fix or service your bike. While it's not an app per se, the website is set up to be easy to use on your phone.

It's as simple as typing in your zip code, tapping what kind of service you're after, selecting a date and time and entering your contact details.

Even better, all Velofix mobile shops are equipped with a coffee machine and Wifi so you can sit with your mechanic, socially distanced of course, and learn maintenance tips from a pro. Use the Wahoo app to track your rides, and pair it with Bluetooth sensors like heart rate monitors , speed sensors and some power meters. Wahoo's app is compatible with others - like Strava, MyFitness Pal and Training Peaks, so you can upload your ride there too.

There's a multitude of customizable pages so you can see all your data, plus GPS maps on board too. This app allows experts and enthusiasts alike to add routes, which users can browse from anywhere in the world. In-app purchases mean that users can buy premium maps provided by the Ordnance Survey. The app has really good versatility: use it for road riding and mountain biking, but also for walking and hiking, and if upgrading to Premium there's the ability to have live-tracking signal dependent and to save unlimited offline maps, so no signal no problem.

This comprehensive fitness app utilizes the GPS functions of Apple devices to create a host of statistics to help you log and improve your cycling performance.

Records speed, time, distance and has an extensive array of workouts to follow, making it a virtual training partner. The app also includes built-in announcements, so that you don't have to take your eyes off the road to know how you're doing.

Recorded data can be uploaded to Strava and other ride sharing websites. Rather than just tracking and logging your activities, Endomondo is designed to be your personal trainer and as such features 'audio encouragement' to motivate you during exercise, including how you are performing against pre-determined goals.

Garmin's Connect software provides a link between your mobile device and Garmin GPS device to share data. The connection can work both ways, with a compatible Garmin GPS able to display weather data and notifications on your handlebars.

These are great if you're looking for specific areas to play with lots of Pokemon, PokeStops, and Gyms. Add CSV files to your portal and share them so others can download the data. It will then be saved to your Logs. Is there a solution? The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]All of the files we have on gps basecamp use the GPX format, including gps routes, track logs and waypoints. View the route you want to download on plotaroute. If the CSV file contains address or place information, updates made to the CSV file on the web will not be reflected in the map.

Maps to GPX. This is a free online converter. User Benefits of GPX. We don't ask you to pay to download files in the gpx format as some sites do. Create a folder on your PC's desktop by right-clicking on an empty area on the desktop, selecting "New" and then choosing "Folder. Download GPX Viewer 1. The elevation profiles are displayed based on Google Maps and the content of your file if it has valid ELE tags.

Select target format and click "Convert". Satmap Active Adding language support. Click on "Process GPX file" and follow the directions. GPX downloads with the Download GPX route file : Schiehallion Before downloading a GPX route file from Walkhighlands, please confirm that: You understand the need to also carry a paper map and a compass, and have the skills to use these.

The process is almost identical on all of the more modern Garmin units. Thanks for your answers. The site will instantly create a GPX file for you to download. GPX file format for hiker's personal use. First you have to download the GPX file from the website on your computer. Unlike the most commonly used maps , it offers more than just helping its users locate a specific area or location. It appears in Safari in Text- Save as. Back to Tour Page. Download the GPX file for a particular park using the following procedure: 1 Right click the link on the link and choose 'Save Target As' and save to your desktop.

We have done the work for you; no more hand typing in waypoints into your GPS unit. It downloads automatically. Publication Type. Select "Download GPX" from this dropdown.

A great mapping and trip logging app. GPX files are a type of XML file initially designed for use by GPS devices, but now used more widely for exchanging route information between different devices and systems. Bug fix Version 1. A GPX file ends in. Explore a sample demonstration track instead. Navionics will also import the same file FtLaudtoHampton. Follow these simple steps to download this tour.

Import from another website. You can use spreadsheet data stored in a comma-separated values text file. Below is a list of GPX route files we have created for our customers and for cyclists visiting the area. The organized folders include official trail and waypoint data from the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. Here is a guide on how to use GPS tracks with the app. Website: Komoot. The Komoot app wins when it comes to graphic design and interface.

The app is very easy to use and comes with several very useful features. One such feature is turn-by-turn voice navigation — yes, even on hiking trails! Furthermore, the app also calculates the optimal route to your destination for you; if you tap on a point on the map, the app will create you the optimal route to that point. The Komoot app also keeps track of your activities and allows you to connect with other hikers around the world. We would thus like to see that more types of maps were available.

Besides from that, the Komoot app is a great option for hikers, trekkers and backpackers. It also allows you to easily import a GPS track via the Komoot website.

The app is thus easy to use and allows you to import GPS tracks without a hassle — you just transfer them to your smartphone and open them with the app. However, the A-GPS Tracker app does unfortunately not support topographic maps and we were also a bit disappointed with the tracking accuracy see the image on the right. It also shows less information about your hike than the other apps in this review.

Nevertheless, it is a good option for those who want a simple and lightweight navigation app for their trips. According to the AccuBattery app, all the tested apps, besides from the A-GPS Tracker app, consumed approximately the same amount of energy. Only the Green Tracks app has free offline maps. Below we made a screenshot of our GPS track from Triglav hike rendered in each app so that you can assess the quality of maps yourself.

We used a topographic map, if the app could provide it. We must admit that these apps are very useful for hiking, but we will probably only use them as a backup on our hiking trips. We will keep using the Suunto Ambit 2 watch for tracking and navigation in addition to a compass and a map , because it is much easier to use than a smartphone — especially in rainy and cold weather.

Also note that smartphones cannot compare to handheld GPS devices or GPS watches when it comes to battery life and durability. What is your experience with hiking apps? Did we forget any good hiking app? Let us know in the comments below. Average rating 4. Outdoor enthusiast with experience in all types of hiking and mountaineering. Hiked in the Alps, Iceland and other countries. In love with via ferrata trails and snow-covered slopes. Check out my hikes. Winter Hiking Gear: How to use crampons, ice axes and gaiters?

Hiking Boots vs. Hiking Shoes vs. Trail Runners: Which type of footwear is right for you? Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Thank you Blaz for this review!!! I mean, just to see bigger and with more details what you can see in the watch…. Thank you!!! Not that I would know. You need to manually export a GPS track and import it to a phone app. I use Locus Pro, very good map material and a lot of options.

You can create your own gpx files. Worth a second look from you. Thank you for your article and laying out the apps for navigation that are out there. Juan, most phones and tablets have a GPS in them and can be used for navigation in conjunction with your watch.

My favourite is ViewRanger www. Premium maps available to purchase if you need them. Responsive and helpful support team too. Thanks for letting me know about this app Evan. The review is very well structured. Is it possible? Do you know any app or webpage that contains estimated times? Or even allow you planning tours by setting start and end of tour and displaying estimated time? It would be also hard to develop such a tool as the estimated times depend on your speed and physical preparedness.

More expensive, however they offer lots of great features that work for me. Looking forward to a future report on it. Have you checked out Oruxmaps? I see it has good reviews. I use Easytrails while hiking, it also has a lot of maps loaded. I use Alltrails to draw routes, it is very good, with a lot of different maps and overlayer to choose. Then I download the track in GPX and upload it to Easytrail to follow Easytrail is complicated to upload tracks or upload on Wikiloc which paid version is the best app while following the track.

The phone vibrates or you can use the voice if you get off the track. This future has saved me a couple of times when I was in unknown areas. Wikiloc is also good to use while hiking, you can see elevation gain and loss..

I use Koomot only in Tirol as this is the region I got when I subscribed. I tried Locus free version but I found it complicated.


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