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Google Translate is not support in your browser. To translate this page, please install the Google Toolbar opens in new window. California Driver Handbook. Section 1 of 28 California Driver Handbook. New Laws. DMV Information. Where to Write. General Information. The California Driver License. Obtaining a Driver License. Driver License Classes. The Examination Process. Special Section - Minors. Miscellaneous Licensing Information.
Don't make the same mistake, read the DMV drivers handbook and nail the permit test the first time you take it! Unlike driver manual in other states, the CA DMV drivers handbook is very condensed and straight to the point, you really cannot throw that much stuff out of it and will have to go over almost all of the pages of the booklet. You can probably skip the first chapter that covers license requirements, the testing process, miscalleneous license information and the special section for minors if it does not apply to you, but be sure to check out cell phone restrictions for minors even if you are an adult - the DMV expects you to know them regardless of your age.
However, once you hit page 17 - it's time to buckle down and start paying attention. California DMV permit test questions cover pretty much everything between pages 17 and Yes, all those 70 pages.
It may seem like a touch too much, but it really isn't. Plenty of the space in the California drivers manual is taken up by illustrations of various on-road situations, images that take up entire pages, there's even a California drivers handbook practice test at the end of almost every chapter, so it's not like you will be reading 70 pages of fine print.
Besides, who said you have to read the entire DMV book in one day? In fact, we recommend that you start preparing for your drivers permit test at least two weeks in advance!
If you do this, you won't have to read more than 5 pages a day - anyone can do that! It includes all of the information you need to know in order to successfully pass your permit exam. But before the actual practice it is important to know the criteria, the important tips and information.
So your official reference source will be California Driver Handbook. I complied all the Handbooks that are available in the following languages.