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Junaid Jamsheed had a great personality cjange when he had a few meetings with moulana tariq jameel sahab. Allah Subhan ho wa Tahala turned his heart and he decided to left the media and singing. He put his full efforts in tableegh and learning the islamic way of life. He visited many countries and delivered lectures and islamic bayan. His mp3 taqreer were not only listened in the halls but they were also recorded for others who are not there.

He then turned back towards media and Television to spread Islam through technology. We will keep adding Naat-Khawan on regular basis. You can even download Naats by clicking the download icon in front of each Naat. Poets from different cultures have showed deep respect for the Prophet PBUH in their respective languages.

We, at eNaats, aim to make available all such content for our respected visitors. Download MP3 Naat tracks or see lyrics of Naats. These verses are known as Naat or Nasheed. Naat is written in the form of poetry. Likewise, Naat Sharif is recited in abundance in mosques, homes and religious gatherings in the month of Ramazan and dhul hijjah.

However there are very few resources out there to keep the trend alive by sharing the best Naat collection online. You can listen and download mp3 Naats online. Our Naat collection is in multiple languages and we provide the lyrics as well. Our latest Naat collection is in mp3 format which you can download and listen online and for your ease of understanding we have provided the lyrics along with the new collection.

If you are a melodious Naat-Khawan and want to see your Naats at eNaats, upload your Naats on Youtube and email us the links. We will inshaAllah upload the Naats here. We are committed to become the best Naats portal online. For any copyright complaint , please fill out the contact us form.

Remember me. Skip Loader. Naat Khawans. Aamir Liaquat. Abdul Rauf Roufi. Ali Haider. Amjad Sabri.


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