Free download the rising sea clive cussler epub

An alarming rise in the worlds sea levels sends Kurt Austin and the rest of the NUMA team around the globe in search of answers. What they find at the bottom of the East China Sea however is even more than they imagined. A diaboliical plan to upset the Pacific balance of power and in the process displace as many as a billion people from their homes. This is book 15 in the NUMA files. Not a bad story and I gave it a 4.

Kurt Austin and Joe venture into Japan to prevent a man-made world-wide flood and find a conspiracy between the Chinese government and a large robotics conglomerate to create am Asian-only trading block and military alliance. Not quite as exciting as some of the others books but it does have its very interesting moments and I still loved it.

Footnote: 1 I had never heard of Ringwoodite. Seems like a very interesting mineral and I love its color. The fountains were the breaking of large fissures in the ground and under the sea allowing massive amounts of water to burst forth which sound suspiciously like what is explained in this book. The other source was the previously unknown rain that fell when the atmospheric water vapor canopy collapsed. The canopy had protected the earth before the flood and created a unique greenhouse effect which allowed the dinosaurs and other pre-flood creatures to survive.

Back into the deep Earth transition layer. Jan 07, Mike rated it it was ok Shelves: numa. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. Clive Cussler was an amazing author who infused his love of the ocean, fast-paced action, and masterful storytelling to create some of my favorite work of fiction. I with fondness can still recall the plot, action, scenes, and witty lines of Dirk and Al in their adventures even 20 years after reading one of their stories Graham Brown is no Clive Cussler.

This story fell flat and continues to reinforce my belief that Clive Cussler was not reviewing much if any of these before printing. Having l Clive Cussler was an amazing author who infused his love of the ocean, fast-paced action, and masterful storytelling to create some of my favorite work of fiction. Having lived in Japan Shizuoka Prefecture for 3 years, much of the story's stage created a sense of cringe and nausea.

Nothing felt genuine, believable, or even practical with respect to many of the Japanese characters or the nation. The plot itself felt disconnected from anything traditionally bound by NUMA, with it's eventual resolution too simple and casually commented on at the end to drive any sense of thought or learning.

That these are NUMA agents may be the most unbelievable plot point I often wondered if Mr. Brown understood who the main character is in the story. I genuinely enjoy the Al focused chapters in CCs books, and am curious to see more the sidekick's view The casual use of English between side characters who had no reason to know let alone use English, Americanesque responses to questions or actions, even how the Author had Akiko flirt in the club.

In fact, the character of Akiko may have been one of the most egregious failures of this author with respect to all things Japan - her character alone almost had me stop reading, such drivel and not realistic to Japanese cultural norms. As far as language examples, when we are on Hashima Island, the patrolling soldiers were speaking English to one another Oh, so that Kurt or Joe's witty "boss wants you here" line can be used and the plot could continue One aspect that should have bothered others throughout the story was the lack of any connection the Sea.

Even then, it's only to swim from a boat to the shore so that the story can continue. The plot driver massive oceans under the curst is something I actually had heard of prior to reading this, and so immediately thought that the likely culprit of the rising oceans when tied together to a mining expedition that didn't shut down Instead, we are treated to a throwaway sentence at the conclusion of the book about "western nations gaining the alloy in a dormant volcanic region of Japan.

I actually thought this would have been a great chapter 2 flashback, something that could have connected to Kurt's efforts and maybe led to his discovering the Sgt was real and had hidden with the sword in one of Mt Fuji's 5 lakes to protect it for the Japanese people.

Kurt could have dived the lake, found the soldiers grim skeleton clutching the sword, an American protecting this Japanese historic relic for future generations and a showcase of the respect an average American had for Japan even right after the war.

Great potential in that story, and something that could have really driven the plot, action, and created a sense of pay off at the end. But we had Graham Brown as the author Nov 05, Ami rated it really liked it Shelves: action , audio-book , tbr-challenge This was originally posted on the book blog Creature From the Book Lagoon.

It was starting to lose a little steam until thriller author Graham Brown stepped in to co-author the series. He really helped freshening up some of the staleness that was creeping in, and helped give it a more modern thinking feel.

It had a lot of things I really enjoy in it. We have Japan, abandoned island, AI technology, geology, a mysterious hidden alloy in an underwater mine, assassins, ninjas, gangsters, and more! All out crazy schemes, and lots of action coming at you from every angle. It was a ton of fun. Also, I was really glad to see that the whole main cast of the NUMA team got in on the action in this book. I get it that Kurt and Joe are the main focus, but it always makes me frustrated when Paul and Gamay are sitting around, twiddling their thumbs the whole book, or worse, hardly make an appearance!

I was very cool to see them actually used in this book! Especially after the last book, Nighthawk, barely even had them in it. One more nice thing- Joe got the girl!! Kurt is normally the one who gets all the girls. He is the hawt leader of the team after all. But after soooo many books of him normally getting the girl, it was a very nice change to see that he had no romantic interest this time around.

It was adorable watching him make puppy dog eyes at her and both of them geeking out over rebuilding classic cars. I guess my problem with it is that it seemed a little too much with not a lot of pay off, maybe? I mean, I think the dude was just… seriously bananas.

More so then the normal villains. Normally they are more tainted by revenge OCD, not necessarily totally loony toony. This bad guy did have some revenge on his mind as well, but it also feels like he might have been a little bit more crazy then past NUMA villains?

But anyways, yeah, the plot grew on me and I was pretty onboard with everything as the book progressed. The Rising Sea was another entertaining book in the series. For the most part, you can really count on the NUMA books to be pretty consistent each outing. A solid action story. It runs for 11 hours on audio, a little over pages in book form, but the story moves along quickly.

Never felt slow or repetitive. It was pretty much over before I knew it. He was alright on this one. It felt like he did a better job on The Rising Sea then he did on Nighthawk.

He was just kinda there. This was an entertaining book to add to the NUMA series. If you are a long time fan, you know what you are getting and should enjoy it. I think it would be a great book to take on vacation. Your typical fun action story. Jun 04, Brentman99 rated it really liked it. Overall, I liked this book. In this book, the premise was quite good and timely - something is causing the world's oceans to rise at an alarming rate.

As usual, Cussler and company do a good job of taking some historical point and bringing it into Overall, I liked this book. As usual, Cussler and company do a good job of taking some historical point and bringing it into the story really well. Also, I liked the robotics part as that is also a current topic of interest and concern for many people that factors into the story well. The plot moves along well and, generally, I thought it was good. There is the odd part that left me cringing, "Humans 3, Robots 1, game over.

That is how the last section, particularly the last page felt to me. It was like the authors got tired of writing and said, "That's a wrap! Box it up and send it in. I've been following Clive Cussler since I read Raise the Titanic as a teenager when it first came out, so I've invested a lot of time and money in his work.

I just can't give up on it because books like Isaac Bell series, Kurt Austin series and my favourite Dirk Pitt keep me coming back. The occasional dud, usually the Fargo series, more frustrates me than disappoints me. If you are new to Cussler's work, go back and start from his first book and work forward.

My person favourite that I would love to see updated is Dirk Pitt Revealed. Check it out and wonder like I do why other prolific authors haven't done something similar. It is very unique. Mar 23, Ed rated it really liked it Shelves: thriller , government-agent , action. This thriller has a Chinese plot to replace the U. The Geopolitics seem torn from today's headlines and pack more realism if not enjoyment than the action sequences. Series fans won't be disappointed.

The sea levels are rising, and not just from boring old climate change. A secret Chinese operation mining golden adamant, a "living metamaterial Kurt Austin, Joe Zavala, and the rest of the National Underwater and Marine Agency's special assignments team race to stop the Chinese conspirators and stem the climbing tides Jun 22, Debra Jeakins rated it it was amazing.

First off, I have been hooked on Cussler for decades, but I have to tell you this is one of the top books Mr. Cussler has written in a long time! Cussler, as per usual, gives the reader not only a fast paced,seat of the pants book, but you get a history lesson tossed in for good measure! This problem they find out is man-made. Dont miss this one folks , its a winner! May 28, Pixie rated it liked it.

As usual, an exciting and fast-moving storyline, with a bit of climate change intrigue given the plot focusses around rising sea levels; however, this book is not about climate change but more about secret underwater activities no spoilers here involving some politics, robots, profit, and human greed.

There is also a sub-thread to the plot involving Japanese samurai culture, which slightly muddies the storyline, perhaps intentionally. It is an extremely fast-moving story which obliged me to pu As usual, an exciting and fast-moving storyline, with a bit of climate change intrigue given the plot focusses around rising sea levels; however, this book is not about climate change but more about secret underwater activities no spoilers here involving some politics, robots, profit, and human greed.

Because of this, I did not enjoy this book as much as other NUMA novels, but the story and end-game result are satisfactory even if one's credibility is stretched to the limit. Worth a read whether you are a fan of the NUMA series or not, but I would say this is not one of Cussler's best, still enoyable nonetheless. I love Clive Cussler books. I guess I love them because they take me out of my sedentary, ordinary life to a life that is adventurous, exciting, and sometimes dangerous don't think I would really like a dangerous life!

His characters are young, robust, handsome or beautiful and the "good guys," although often finding themselves trapped in very tenuous situations, always win in the end! The villians of the novels are usually officials of Russia, North Korea, Iran, etc. I also like the way each of Cussler's books start with an incident that happened in the past, sometimes the ancient past, that somehow comes to light and influences the crisis of the present day.

Sep 07, Wanda rated it liked it. In this latest adventure the members of NUMA are trying to figure out why the sea levels are drastically rising. Kurt Austin is traveling around measuring glaciers to see if they are melting and when that comes up negative the team tries to find other answers. It leads them to looking to in the South China Sea. Two of the team members, Paul and Gamay, sneak into China and now have to find a way to get the information they found back to the U.

They also have to keep from getting thrown into pri In this latest adventure the members of NUMA are trying to figure out why the sea levels are drastically rising. They also have to keep from getting thrown into prison. Kurt and Joe are in Japan chasing down some answers and encounter a high tech industrialist bent on running the world with his robots, a crazy former Yakuza assassin, and people looking for some ancient swords. Nonstop action combined with political intrigue, daredevil escapes and a bit of science thrown in make for a fast paced read.

Jul 10, J. Grimm rated it did not like it. I would usually never give a One star review As a man who was born and raised in Japan, I have a fond connection to Japanese history and warfare. So when I read that a man somehow impaled himself with a katana by simply falling from a crouched position I knew that Clive and the author of that chapter failed to do their research.

I have two katanas of my own. One is slightly extended for horseback Holding it from the blade I could barely get it to point toward my chest. How on earth did this man in full armor, from a crouched downstroke position The narrative simply made no sense.

Mar 05, Garry rated it it was ok. This the third or fourth book by Cussler that I have read. Although I wouldn't call this a bad book, I just don't see the the reason for this author's popularity. The story lines are ok, but the writing is very shallow. Just my opinion. It is very easy to discover the formula that Cussler uses to write a book. All the common tropes are in each book. To me his books are all very similar with just the locations and the characters names being changed.

If you are looking for an adventure series t This the third or fourth book by Cussler that I have read. If you are looking for an adventure series that just mindlessly carries the reader along with no real challenge to the intellect, this is a good one. I have a couple more of his books that were given to me by a friend.

I think they will go to the donation pile. On to the next book. Happy reading! There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Be the first to start one ». Readers also enjoyed. Adult Fiction. About Clive Cussler. Clive Cussler. Cussler began writing novels in and published his first work featuring his continuous series hero, Dirk Pitt, in His first non-fiction, The Sea Hunters , was released in Clive Cussler, "The Grand Master of Adventure," sends his intrepid heroes Dirk Pitt and Al Giordino on their wildest, boldest mission into the ancient world, unlocking extraordinary secrets and solving hideous crimes.

Another fabulous read from the most beloved series from the 1 New York Times-bestselling author. The murders of a team of United Nations scientists in El Salvador.

A deadly collision in the waterways off the city of Detroit. An attack by tomb raiders on an archaeological site along the banks of the Nile. Is there a link between these violent events? The answer may lie in the tale of an Egyptian princess forced to flee the armies of her father three thousand years ago. During what was supposed to be a routine investigation in South America, NUMA Director Dirk Pitt finds himself embroiled in an international mystery, one that will lead him across the world and which will threaten everyone and everything he knows--most importantly, his own family.

Pitt travels to Scotland in search of answers about the spread of an unknown disease and the shadowy bioremediation company that may be behind it. Meanwhile, his son and daughter face a threat of their own when the discoveries they have made in an Egyptian tomb put killers on their trail.

These seemingly unrelated riddles come together in a stunning showdown on the rocky isles of Ireland, where only the Pitts can unravel the secrets of an ancient enigma that could change the very future of mankind.

Their mission ended in disaster - its frozen secrets lying forgotten for almost a century. When a former NUMA colleague mysteriously disappears, Kurt Austin and his assistant Joe Zavala journey to the freezing bottom of the world to investigate. Amidst the perilous waters and frigid temperatures, they soon uncover a terrifying weapon - a human-made, fast-growing ice with the power to usher in a new Ice Age. With a determined madman and a monstrous storm at their heels, Kurt and the NUMA team must unravel the Nazi-era plot, and save the earth from a freeze that would bury it once and for all.

Combining knife-edge plotting, globe-trotting intrigue and white-knuckle suspense, Fast Ice delivers another thrilling must-read from the Grand Master of Adventure, Clive Cussler. Detective Isaac Bell's investigation into an attempted assassination brings him to the construction site of the Panama Canal--and straight into a nest of vipers--in the latest adventure in the 1 New York Times-bestselling series from Clive Cussler.

Detective Isaac Bell's wife has said that he is always in the wrong place at the right time. This is certainly the case when Bell thwarts the assassination of a U.

Senator shortly after meeting the man. This heroic rescue is just the start of the mystery for Bell, who suspects that the would-be assassins have a much larger and more dangerous agenda--one involving the nearly-constructed Panama Canal.

While the senator supports the building of the canal, there are many, including a local Panamanian insurgency known as the Red Vipers, who never want to see its completion. With millions of dollars and the fates of two nations at stake, Bell heads to Panama to find answers.

After a deadly bombing at the canal's construction site, he is determined to stop the insurgents--or whoever is funding them--before they can attack again. A bold kidnapping aboard an ocean liner sends detective Isaac Bell across America in a deadly game of cat and mouse.

Leaving England aboard the liner Mauretania, Isaac Bell, chief investigator at the legendary Van Dorn Detective Agency, stumbles on and thwarts a kidnapping. The two victims, who have fled Europe carrying a secret invention, fear that a foreign power wishes to steal it before they can bring it to America.

Bell and the Van Dorn Agency offer to protect them. And it isn't long before Bell is fighting skullduggery in the middle of the Atlantic. In New York City, as well as across the country as he and the inventors head for California, the deadly chase is on. On their trail is the murderous agent known only as the 'Acrobat', instructed to steal this world-changing invention - and kill anyone in his way.

Bestseller Clive Cussler - author of the Dirk Pitt novels Crescent Dawn and Atlantis Found - has legendary super-sleuth Isaac Bell protect a top-secret invention with the power to shape the course of history. Dirk Pitt matches wits with a nefarious Chinese smuggler who specializes in secretly transporting illegal Chinese immigrants into countries around the world, as he tracks his quarry to a remote port in Louisiana and searches for a treasure ship that sankat the beginning of World War II.

The towering iceberg drifting in the North Atlantic was a floating tomb. Embedded in the great gleaming mass was a ship - sealed in so solidly that not even its mast protruded. Here was a sea mystery to rank alongside the Bermuda Triangle and the Marie Celeste. But for Major Dirk Pitt, top troubleshooter for the National Underwater and Marine Agency, it was also the first link in a fantastic chain of events that would lead him too close - and too often - to violent death.

And to the discovery of the most sinister and bizarre conspiracy of the century. Includes photographs, summaries of each Dirk Pitt novel, an interview with Cussler, and Dirk Pitt trivia questions.

Dirk Pitt's hunt for ancient Egyptain treasure is sidetracked when the White House is threatened by terrorists from Egypt and Mexico and a cruise ship carrying the presidents of Egypt and Mexico is hijacked. While studying a deadly plague in the Pacific, Dirk Pitt rescues a band of rich castaways who had been deserted by their cruise ship and learns that the plague had been caused by a passenger's father, who uses ultrasound to mine diamonds.

The author of more than 50 books— million copies in print—Clive Cussler is the current grandmaster of adventure literature. It is the greatest advance in American defense technology in decades—an attack submarine capable of incredible underwater speeds. There is only one problem: A key element of the prototype is missing—and the man who developed it is dead. At the same time, ships have started vanishing mid-ocean, and when a few reappear, bodies are found aboard burned to a crisp.

Could these mysterious events be connected to an Italian submarine that itself disappeared in ?


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