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Remember that your goal is to score higher. And practice will give your the results you need. Mathematics Reviewer. Strengthen and polish your basics. A solid foundation on the basics of the fundamentals of mathematics is your key to passing the Math part of the UPCAT.
All other topics that are covered will need the basics on math. So before getting into more complicated topics like calculus and trigonometry, focus on the basics. S tudy the basics of trigonometry ratios. Calculators are not allowed during the exam. That means YOU are your calculator. There are a lot of learning resources out there that you can choose from.
There are also a handful of tutorials from other authors on Youtube. Master calculating fractions, decimals and percents. This is also a key area that you should focus on. Study on how to masterfully apply the basic mathematical operations on fractions and you will go a long way. Believe us. Keep practicing. Aside from becoming good in computations, you should also practice your English comprehension skills to understand word problems better.
Lastly, we all know mathematics is riddled with tons of formulas. Science Reviewer. Use flashcards. An effective way to remember key terms, concepts, and even formulas is to use flashcards when reviewing. They can easily be downloaded online or you could create your own. Similar to mathematics, key to being effective is not to memorize but to internalize. Understand the concepts and its terms, understand how and where they are applied, and understand their effects.
That is the best and fastest way to review them. Practice computations in science topics. When mathematics is also involved like physics and chemistry, doing practice tests with the computations will also greatly help you in preparing for the actual test. Always try to challenge yourself. Language Proficiency Reviewer. Sharp vocabulary and grammar skills is the key to acing the language proficiency subtest.
An effective way to hone these skills is by reading professionally written materials such as journals, books, magazines, and academic articles. It is best to avoid poorly written editorials or blogs as though they may have decent and understandable content, they tend to skew your understanding of proper grammar and vocabulary.
Another good practice is to write in complete words and sentences when sending text messages, emails, chats, and even when writing comments on social media. This will help you a lot in getting accustomed to using properly structured sentences. The dictionary is your best friend. If you want to improve your english proficiency, we advised that you refrain from watching Tagalized shows for the duration of your review until after the test. Watch informative shows that are in full english instead.
This will help you be more familiar with the language. You can do this by using context clues. Example: "The wounded soldier languished in pain as there was no nearby medical team to aid him. Word games will definitely help you in expanding your vocabulary and understanding of the words, and also your logical thinking.
This means playing word games like Scrabble, Word Factory, or even Boggle during your downtime can help you a lot in preparing for the test. Learn how to guess the meaning of a word by looking at the root word, and then looking at the prefix or suffix. Practice communication using the language.