They had been functioning perfect, but it has been a month since we used them. Now the tablet does not react in any way to the pen on either machine. I have reinstalled the drivers and rebooted — no change. Can you tell me what to do? Each of them were working perfectly as of a month ago. Started one up to draw on a PowerPoint presentation and the tablet would not respond to the pen.
The tablet indicated as being connected and the press keys on the tablet work. Started the other tablet on the other machine and it had the same problem. I downloaded and reinstalled the drivers to no effect and rebooted the devices. Is there a Windows update causing a problem? Can you help? Newer Post. For example we choose to unzip it to our Desktop.
See following picture. You can download all our official drivers for Mac OS here , please choose the right one that fits your model. Click the installation package and it will pop out a box like the below picture.
Everything will work normally if you do according to the tips step by step. Feel free to contact service gaomon. Newer Post. Older Post. This comment form is under antispam protection.