Gimp 2.8 download free

By default, they will place the help files with your GIMP installation. Note: GIMP uses online help by default. If you want to use this local help offline, you will need to change GIMP's help settings. See the online help for more settings. GIMP releases available from gimp. For instructions, how to build GIMP from source code, please see this page. GIMP 2. To allow you to check the integrity of the tarballs, here are the MD5 sums of the latest releases:.

Want to check out the GIMP 2. Get it on our development downloads page. Old Stable Downloads. Since the 2. No X11 environment is required. Download Macports Homebrew Homebrew is similar to Macports and provides packages aka formulas to install, either by compiling them from source or by using pre-made binaries. Download Homebrew Fink Fink is a package repository that offer mostly precompiled binaries. Download Fink.

Chinese Simplified Source for version 2. GIMP also has a selection of smart tools. These use a more complex algorithm to enable a user to complete time consuming or difficult tasks, and include the clone tool that copies pixels using a brush, and the healing brush which copies pixels from an area and corrects the tone and color where it is being used.

The perspective clone tool works in a similar way to the clone tool, but also allows a user to alter and correct distance changes. The blur and sharpen tool is a brush that blurs and sharpens sections of an image; and the dodge and burn tool is a brush that makes target pixels lighter dodges or darker burns. An image being edited in GIMP can consist of many layers.

Each layer in an image is made up of several channels. In an RGB image there are normally 3 or 4 channels, consisting of a red, green and blue channel. Color sub-layers look like slightly different gray images, but when put together they make a complete image.

The fourth channel that may be part of a layer is the alpha channel or layer mask , this channel measures opacity where a whole or part of an image can be completely visible, partially visible or invisible. GIMP has several ways of selecting colors including palettes, color choosers and using an eyedropper tool to select a color on the canvas.

Other color spaces are supported using decomposition where each channel of the new color space becomes a black and white image. GIMP does color blending through its blend tool. You apply a gradient to the surface of an image using GIMP's color modes. Gradients can also be integrated into tools such as the brush tool.

When the user paints this way, the output color slowly changes. Pros: Free, advanced image editing. Cons: Advanced features require knowledge of graphic arts and advanced editing techniques to take full advantage of.

Conclusion: GIMP is an advanced image editing tool on par with Photoshop and other expensive, best of class graphic editing tools. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything.

The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted. Version 2. This version of GIMP is equipped with a wealth of new features, including some highly requested ones. Keep reading to find out exactly what GIMP 2. Link has been copied to the clipboard! Note: This program is advertising supported and may offer to install third party programs that are not required.


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