Improve this answer. I know it's not the question asked, but a tip: If you have tools to extract tar. Get an OAuth token: go to OAuth 2. Ian Hyzy Ian Hyzy 2 2 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. This tool does not download a large file. Start over again and again. The Overflow Blog. Podcast what if you could invest in your favorite developer?
Who owns this outage? Building intelligent escalation chains for modern SRE. Featured on Meta. Personal accounts get 15 GB of storage for free; basic corporate accounts get 30 GB.
You can edit all kinds of documents, including Microsoft Office ones, right within the app. You can even share files with others and download them too. The downloading part, however, does sometimes break.
A common error here is HTTP , saying that access to …googleusercontent. Logically, you might wonder how that can be and why Google could be restricting access to your own files. While Google Drive errors for denying access, failing to perform an action, or forbidding something are truly very occasional, they nevertheless result in a fury of questions from users.
Few things are as alarming as not being able to have complete control of your files. So why does it happen? There are generally three catalysts for Google Drive errors: your user account, your browser, or your Mac or even a combination of these.
Surprisingly, Google Drive gives you several methods for downloading any file. So while there might be a glitch with one of them, others might work as usual. Fourth, if you double-click on photos and PDFs, or if you choose Preview from the top menu for any other file, you can then click the download icon at the top.
Fifth, when you try to download a few files at once, Google Drive will create a zip archive. There are instances where this archive could fail to download. People with regular accounts have to use the Backup and Sync app while business owners can download Drive File Stream. The Google Drive app for PC does not let you view the files in its interface. It creates a new folder on your PC that houses various files.
Step 2 : Once installed, you will be asked to sign in to the app with your Google account. Log in with the account from which you want to download files. Step 3: Since Backup and Sync works two ways i. Leave the rest untouched and hit Next. Step 4: This is an important step for our tutorial. Now you will have to select the Google Drive folders from where you want to download files. You can change this later in the app settings.
The folders that you select will be synced to your PC. Select 'Sync only these folders' if you want to choose the folders. If case you want to sync everything from Drive, choose Sync everything. Then hit Start. You will find all the synced files from Drive in this folder. Now simply copy or cut the files from this folder to the required folder on your PC. You will see the Download icon at the top-right corner. Click on it to download the file.
Hover your mouse over the image, and the Download button will appear. If you view files in the grid view, the Download button will be present on the file. Click on that to download the file. Alternatively, you can click on the Download all button present at the top as well. For many users, Google Drive gets stuck on Preparing Zip file message only.
To fix that, you need to click on the Leave site button when a pop-up appears that asks whether you want to Leave site or Cancel. Clicking the Leave button starts the download process. We have covered the Google Drive not downloading Zip files issue in detail. Do take a look for other solutions. To enable cookies, open drive. Click on the tiny lock icon present on the left side of the address bar.
Then, select Cookies from the list. In the pop-up window that appears, click on the Blocked tab. Check if you find any link related to Google. Click on that and hit the Allow button at the bottom. Finally, click on Done. Restart the page or the browser, and you should be able to download the files again. When someone sends you a Google Drive link to download files, you need to be signed in with the same account allowed to access those files. Basically, Google Drive file sharing permissions works in two ways.
The owner who generates a link for the file or the folder can let anyone with the link access the file. In that case, any Google account can be used to view or download files.