The advantage is that you can take as much time as you need on strategy without having to worry about the enemy attacking or building forces while you think. On the other hand, Heroes II doesn't offer the real-time action you get from other strategy games, or the kind of adrenaline rush real-time games provide when you know the opponent is just over the ridge somewhere and moving in fast.
For me, this is the way Heroes of Might and Magic is supposed to be, and the way I would want to play it, but I imagine some of you would have liked the option to go real-time as X-COM: Apocalypse , another traditionally turn-based game, promises to be. The controls and interface of all screens are as simple as they can be. If you are the type who hates spending time reading the manual rather than playing the game, the kind who just likes to jump in, you will be pretty happy with Heroes II.
Everything is completely intuitive. Part of the fun to newcomers of Heroes of Might and Magic is learning the simplicity of the interface. If you've played Heroes I , the controls and layout are virtually the same with only a few minor aesthetic changes. The graphics for Heroes II are excellent and add to the overall feel of the game.
They have improved greatly from Heroes I , but still have a similar feel. Everything is crisp and sharp with more detail than before.
The colors have more of a holiday feel to them than a cartoonish or a hi-tech feel, which makes this game a perfect holiday gift or treat. This may sound like an odd comparison, but playing the original Heroes I reminded me of the feeling I had playing the children's board game Candyland when I was a kid. Heroes II is a magical game, to say the least.
Pointing your hero across the land to pick up treasure after treasure is quite a treat. Pure eye candy. Heroes II has all of this and plenty more. Along with the light, magical atmosphere of the original we are now treated, also, to the gloomy mood of the dark side, which almost has a Tim Burton feel to it -- think Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice.
Instead of having the same border theme as in the original, you can now choose a dark or light theme which is different enough to give a slightly different feel to the interface. The dark side is cold and metallic, while the light side is warm and golden. Increasing the size of the landscape and decreasing the size of the objects on screen was a good way for the Heroes II design team to go as well. It makes things a bit sharper and hence more enticing. There just seem to be more treats to discover here than in the original.
The musical pieces change from one scenario to the next and the feel appropriately varies from light to dark castle. Music in the light castles has a cheery, melodic feel, while in dark castles it's more ominous. Lots of harpsichord in both. The feel of the music is enchanting and magical, appropriate for the days of knights and magic. See new chat messages, friend invites, as well as important announcements and deals relevant to you.
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