Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Microsoft's Mojang Studios. In the game, players can interact with blocks in a 3D world. Features in the game include exploring the world, collecting resources, synthesizing items, and survival adventures. As for Twitch, it is a streaming app. But you can buy games on it or add games to its Game tab.
Then, you can launch games from Twitch. However, some people report that when they launch Minecraft or mod packs from Twitch, they will get the failed to download file error.
Failed to download file, the file contents differ from what was expected. Please note that the error may occur in several versions of Minecraft jar files, including. Then, how to solve this error? Please keep reading to get solutions. Some people encounter exit code 0 in Minecraft and the game gets crashed. Very similar issue here, I am unable to download the 1. Switching to user 'minecraft' Checking version information. Checking type information.
I backed up the directory and was able to successfully pull down the image in the new configuration. My guess is it was a permissions issue unable to write.
If it happens again, also check the initial "Running as" log line. I get the same issue. I'm not seeing any log lines that say "Running as". Does it happen every time or is it sporadic? Mh, itzg It seems the problem was temporary. I do not have any problems anymore. It indeed seemed to happen everytime for a while, but for now it is resolved on my side. That is the connection my docker container that is not succesfull the container tries the same download just attached the -q to be not verbose.
I tried a new container myself just now and it downloaded fine. I've also had this problem as well. I solved it by manually downloading the jar into the data directory. Angelinsky7 your scenario does sound similar, but might be a little different too. Issues with not being able to resolve hostnames within the container will be somehow related to the DNS configuration of the container. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy.
Currently Supported: 1. X Latest , 1. X LTS. Java and you: How to avoid crashes. These libraries failed to download minecraft 1. Share More sharing options Followers 1. Reply to this topic Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Minecrafter Posted March 20, Posted March 20, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options DaemonUmbra Posted March 20, Please provide your installer log.
Logs Most issues require logs to diagnose : Spoiler. What to provide Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge.
Set the launcher profile's GameDir property to the pack's instance folder not the instances folder, the folder that has the pack's name on it. Now launch the pack through that profile and follow the "Mojang Launcher" instructions above.
Video: Spoiler. Update Java. Join the conversation You can post now and register later. Reply to this topic Insert image from URL.