The question is, which are you? The Nightbane are characters who discover that they not entirely human. In fact, they are shape-changers who possess a comparatively frail, human "facade" and a supernatural, superhuman "morphus.
The morphus is said to reflect the character's personality or subconscious fears, desires and self-image.
Thus some are exotic and beautiful, while others most are misshapened monsters. No two appear exactly alike and even the most hideous can have the spirit of a saint, while the handsome and beautiful may be evil incarnate. Whether hideous or beautiful, cruel or kind, the Nightbane are feared and slaughtered by most humans who see only a monster.
Creatures of shadows, when slain, they disappear like the morning mist, as if they never existed and leaving no evidence of their existence. A surprising number of Nightbane cherish and cling to their humanity. Many of these become secret protectors of humankind and champions of good.
Yet even these misbegotten heroes must operate in secret lest fearful, evil or misguided humans torment or destroy them. But there are far greater horrors loosed in the world than this. Evil Nightbane, vampires, human sorcerers, supernatural predators and other dark forces all busy building their petty power structures, preying on the weak and innocent, or engaging in foul pursuits. Worse, the Nightbane are hunted and slaughtered without just cause and without mercy by the Nightlords and their minions.
The Nightlords ' plan to quietly seize control of the world! Watermarked PDF. Average Rating 6 ratings. Nightbane creation tables — each Nightbane looks different horrific, human, or strangely beautiful and possesses different abilities. The only catch, they must shed their human disguise and become a monster to use them.
Nearly a dozen other O. New magic, psionic abilities and supernatural powers. Nightlords and their minions like the Hunters, Hounds, and Hollow Men. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased.
Reviews 0. Please log in to add or reply to comments. I still remember when this game was titled Nightspawn. One book I regret no longer having. February 19, pm UTC. I absolutely love this book. They captured the Clive Barker feel of Nightbreed and made it their own.
Nothing is better than combining conspiracy theories, magick, UFO's, and the esoteric. I love the RCC's along with the plethora of menaces. I just wish Kevin would make minis of the villains, like the hounds, hunters, crawling horrors and hollow men.
Especially if there were authorized minis of the Night lords. This book was entertaining to read, and even more entertaining is designing adventures. I highly recommend getting the entire series. Especially Through the Glass Darkly, it presents magick in a whole new dimension that adds to the horror and splendor of the game. See All Ratings and Reviews. Browse Categories. Wolfenoot Sale.
Rule System. Apocalypse World Engine. BRP Basic Roleplaying. Modiphius 2d Savage Worlds. Product Type. Core Rulebooks. Non-Core Books. Other Tabletop Games. Gift Certificates. Publisher Resources. Family Gaming. Science Fiction. Phone PDF. Virtual Tabletops.
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