Origin is designed to keep itself up-to-date. If you have Origin running when a new update launches, it will not automatically update. Instead, exit out and restart it to begin the update. Help us improve EA Help! Sailing around the world? On a really, really long plane trip without Wi-Fi? No problem. Many of our games support cloud saves, perfect for when you want to play on a different PC, or when your hard drive has a case of the Mondays.
Origin keeps all your PC games - no matter where you bought them - at the ready and in one place. Friends and community Play with your friends, stream to the world, and join the Origin community! Finding your friends on Origin is easy - playing with them or against them is even easier. Build out your friends list and group up in seconds.
Catch up with your buddies without ever leaving your game. Just be ready to mute 'em if they start eating chips with the mic on. Got skills? Broadcast them to the world by streaming on Twitch with the press of button.
You love games. So do we. Join us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest in PC gaming, giveaways, exclusive discounts, and more. Full Specifications. What's new in version Release March 21, Next article —. You May Also Like.
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