These free character or soldier skins can be unlocked through limited time event and some other type of grind. To get Special Ops 3 Arctic soldier skin for free you need to get it from the Lunar Festival limited time event. This are all the soldier skins or character that f2p players can unlock for free in Call of Duty Mobile.
The list will update once the new free character come out. All Crates. All Guns. Call of Duty: Mobile By : Ratanak. Browse through all the soldier skins that you can get for free in COD Mobile here! The Latest Posts on News. December 11, Patch. February 2, Patch. March 13, Patch. August 13, Patch Classless Update. August 17, Patch. September 15, Patch. December 10, Patch. December 17, Patch WAR! June 10, Patch Mac Update. August 25, Patch.
May 5, Patch Replay Update. November 2, Patch. August 15, Patch Mann vs. October 26, Patch Spectral Halloween Special. February 7, Patch. January 15, Patch 1. March 12, Patch. January 20, Patch. A lone Soldier wandering Lumberyard , concept art.
Soldier Figurine. T-Shirt with a Blue Soldier. T-Shirt with a Red Soldier. Soldier Class Patches. From Team Fortress Wiki. Jump to: navigation , search. Featured article. If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight! Click to listen. Undaunted, he bought his own ticket to Europe. After arriving and finally locating Poland, the Soldier taught himself how to load and fire a variety of weapons before embarking on a Nazi killing spree for which he was awarded several medals that he designed and made himself.
His rampage ended immediately upon hearing about the end of the war in Main articles: Health , Overheal. Main article: Speed. Main articles: Soldier tips , Soldier strategy. Main article: Weapons. Equalizer Escape Plan. Main article: Kamikaze. Main article: Item sets. Black Box. Battalion's Backup. Grenadier's Softcap. Disciplinary Action. Armored Authority. Fancy Dress Uniform. Liberty Launcher. Reserve Shooter. Market Gardener. Jumper's Jeepcap. Cow Mangler Righteous Bison. Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet.
Idiot Box. Steel Pipes. Shoestring Budget. Beggar's Bazooka. Helmet Without a Home. Captain's Cocktails. Hardium Helm. Jupiter Jumpers. Space Bracers. Hidden Dragon. Faux Manchu. Shaolin Sash. Spook Specs. Classified Coif. Man in Slacks. Hellhunter's Headpiece. Supernatural Stalker. Ghoul Gibbin' Gear. Main article: Cosmetic items.
Original Classless Update First Community. Steam Workshop Promotional Pyromania Update. Mann vs. Spectral Halloween Special Promotional. Summer Event Scream Fortress V. Scream Fortress V Promotional. Smissmas Strongbox Pack. Jungle Inferno Update. Smissmas Summer Pack. Propaganda Contest. Promotional th Update. Mann-Conomy Update Polycount. Scream Fortress Update Promotional. Promotional Japan Charity Bundle Promotional.
Promotional Replay Update Promotional. Grordbort's Victory Pack Update. Promotional Manno-Technology Bundle. Very Scary Halloween Special Promotional.
Promotional Australian Christmas Australian Christmas Promotional. Promotional Pyromania Update. Pyromania Update Promotional Triad Pack. Promotional Mann vs. Machine Update. Spectral Halloween Special. Mecha Update. Mecha Update Promotional. Promotional Robotic Boogaloo.
Promotional Smissmas Smissmas Promotional. Strongbox Pack Promotional. Promotional Scream Fortress VI. Scream Fortress VI Promotional. Promotional End of the Line Update. End of the Line Update Smissmas Promotional. Meet Your Match Update Promotional. Rainy Day Pack Promotional. Promotional Jungle Inferno Update. Jungle Inferno Update Promotional. Smissmas Blue Moon Pack Promotional. Scream Fortress X Smissmas Scream Fortress XI Smissmas Smissmas Scream Fortress XII.
Main article: Soldier achievements. October 25, Patch Fixed rocket explosions being able to impart damage through thin ceilings. December 20, Patch Fixed Rocket trail effects sometimes existing permanently in world.
February 28, Patch Reduced Soldier's maximum rocket reserve ammo from 36 to Does not affect rocket jumps. July 29, Patch Fixed rockets being able to fire through grates at round starts.
December 11, Patch Added smoke to the feet of a rocket jumping Soldier. February 2, Patch Increased Soldier primary ammo count from 16 to August 13, Patch Classless Update Removed self-inflicted mini-crits. August 17, Patch Fixed rocket jumping.
Update Added 35 Soldier achievements. Added Soldier Domination lines. August 25, Patch [Undocumented] Added a grenade bodygroup to the Soldier model. May 5, Patch Replay Update Community contributed voice responses rules have been implemented for the Kamikaze. June 3, Patch Added community contributed response rules for when a Soldier kills a Demoman.
June 8, Patch [Undocumented] New laughing taunt animations have been added but are currently unused. July 20, Patch [Undocumented] Added bomb carrying and showing animations for the Soldier.
November 2, Patch Added a taunt for the Tin Soldier set. Fixed the Soldier's melee dare response rules. Machine [Undocumented] Added voice lines to Soldier. November 2, Patch [Undocumented] Updated player models. Fixes the Soldier's rocket reload missing the rocket. Fixed the Professor Speks moving around on the Soldier's face. March 12, Patch Fixed a dedicated server crash caused by a Soldier with Mantreads landing on a player with the Warlock powerup equipped.
January 20, Patch [Undocumented] Fixed Heavy and Soldier not playing animations for some of their voice commands. Trading card front.
Comic, page Soldier achievements How to. Helsing Soldier. Hidden category: Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history. This page was last edited on 11 November , at Click to listen — The Soldier on the art of war.
Unknown; Referred to as "Mister Jane Doe" [2]. Midwest, USA. Though he wanted desperately to fight in World War 2, the Soldier was rejected from every branch of the U. With the Battalion's Backup equipped. Charging the Cow Mangler Wielding the Escape Plan over Health. Wielding the Escape Plan between and Health. Wielding the Escape Plan between and 81 Health. Wielding the Escape Plan between 80 and 41 Health. Base : 90 Crit : Rockets fly straight down the crosshair from the center of the screen.
Base : Crit : On hit: restores up to 20 health points. Base : 0 Crit : 0. Base : 68 Crit : Secondary fire is a charged shot that: Mini-crits players.
Causes enemies to suffer afterburn for 6 seconds. Disables buildings for 4 seconds. Empties entire ammo meter. Cannot be used unless ammo meter is full. Hold Fire to load up to three rockets.
Base : 76 Crit : Charges a rage meter with damage dealt — takes damage to fully charge rage meter. Charges its rage meter with damage dealt — takes damage to fully charge rage meter.
While the buff is active, for 10 seconds the user and nearby teammates: Have their movement speed boosted. Mini-crits only take effect within 5 seconds of deploying this weapon. Base : 20 Crit : Shoots an electric projectile instead of shotgun pellets. Allows player to activate a parachute whilst midair, slowing their descent.
Base : 72 Crit : [4. Base : 65 Crit : Limited item from the Replay Update. Limited item from the Two Cities Update. When weapon is active: Damage increase as user's remaining health decreases. Increases user's capture rate by 1 for points and carts. Base : 49 Crit : Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping. When weapon is active: Movement speed increase as user's remaining health decreases. User takes mini-crits when weapon is active, and for 3 seconds after switching away. Main article: Kamikaze The Soldier tosses away his pickaxe, cracks his knuckles, takes a grenade off of his chest sling, thrusts his fist in the air and explodes, killing himself and any nearby enemies, buildings included.
If the player has the Lumbricus Lid equipped, the Soldier will complete the taunt with the "Hallelujah" music short playing. Upon successful taunt, the kill icon displayed is different Displayed underneath normal icon to the right. Classless Update. First Community. Soldier's Stash. Gentle Manne's Service Medal. Stainless Pot. Tyrant's Helm. Killer's Kabuto. Second Community. Mann-Conomy Update. Sergeant's Drill Hat. Lumbricus Lid. Chieftain's Challenge. Stout Shako. Australian Christmas. Third Community.
Defiant Spartan. Exquisite Rack. Hero's Hachimaki. Honcho's Headgear. Brain Bucket. Replay Update. Furious Fukaamigasa. Team Captain. Pocket Medic. Hat With No Name. Very Scary Halloween Special. Australian Christmas Infernal Impaler. Kringle Collection. Steam Workshop. Ornament Armament. Lucky Shot. Battle Bob. Pyromania Update. Teufort Tooth Kicker. Cross-Comm Crash Helmet. Professor's Pineapple. First Workshop Content Pack.
Soldier's Stogie. Tin Pot. Crafty Hair. War Pig. Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul. Chief Constable. Robotic Boogaloo. Deadliest Duckling. Soldier's Slope Scopers. Mutton Mann. Full Metal Drill Hat. Second Workshop Content Pack. Soldier's Sparkplug. Steel Shako. Tyrantium Helmet. Cloud Crasher. Powdered Practitioner.
Brawling Buccaneer. Caribbean Conqueror. Colonial Clogs. Founding Father. Lieutenant Bites. Rebel Rouser. Shogun's Shoulder Guard. Valley Forge. Fall Event Whirly Warrior.
Macho Mann. Cuban Bristle Crisis. Viking Braider. Cadaver's Capper. Freedom Feathers. Grub Grenades. Larval Lid. Lieutenant Bites the Dust. Spellbinder's Bonnet.
Pin Pals. War on Smissmas Battle Hood. War on Smissmas Battle Socks. Strongbox Pack. Antarctic Parka. Marshall's Mutton Chops. Toy Soldier. Ground Control. Killer's Kit. Big Daddy. First American. Gilded Guard. Limited Late Summer Pack. Scream Fortress VI. Lone Survivor. Battle Bird.
End of the Line Update. Coldfront Curbstompers. Condor Cap. Mistaken Movember. Scream Fortress VII. Screamin' Eagle. Cold Snap Coat. Tough Break Update. Mayflower Pack. Caped Crusader. Teufort Knight. Gift Bringer. Patriot's Pouches.
Rainy Day Pack. Pestering Jester. Handy Canes. Reader's Choice. Socked and Loaded. Attack Packs. Crit Cloak. Sharp Chest Pain. Blue Moon Pack. War Eagle. Brass Bucket. Head Hedge.
Private Maggot Muncher. Scream Fortress X. Sky High Fly Guy. Veteran's Attire. Tank Top. Vampire Vanquisher. Climbing Commander. Summer Pack. Crack Pot. Dumb Bell. Bobby Bonnet. Dancing Doe. Scream Fortress XI. El Zapateador. Party Poncho. Racc Mann. Public Speaker. Bazaar Bauble. Breach and Bomb.
Hawk Warrior. Sophisticated Smoker. Calamitous Cauldron. Semi-tame Trapper's Hat. War Blunder. Particulate Protector. Roaming Roman. Thousand-Yard Stare. Poopy Doe. Trickster's Treats. War Dog. Haunted Hallowe'en Special. Cheater's Lament. Ghastly Gibus. Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask. Bill's Hat. Modest Pile of Hat. Noble Amassment of Hats. Towering Pillar of Hats.
Uncle Sam. Axer's Dapper Topper. Max's Severed Head. Soldier of Fortune. Grizzled Veteran. Primeval Warrior. Mac Update. Alien Swarm Parasite. Wiki Cap. Ellis' Cap.