By the end of this book you will be competent game developers with good knowledge of programming in Python. This book uses a realistic approach to help get you started designing and building the applications you need while learning new tools along the way.
This book explains each piece of technology in depth and shows through clear examples why each feature is useful. Author : Cody Precord Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd ISBN: Category: Computers Page: View: Read Now » Over 80 step-by-step recipes to get you up to speed with building your own wxPython applications About This Book This book empowers you to create rich cross-platform graphical user interfaces using Python It helps you develop applications that can be deployed on Windows, OSX, and Linux The recipes in the book involve real-world applications, giving you a first-hand experience of the practical scenarios Who This Book Is For For those who are familiar with programming in Python and want to start building applications with graphical user interfaces, this book will get you up and running quickly.
A basic understanding of the Python programming language and object-oriented concepts are all that is needed. Since wxWidgets provides a wrapper around each platform's native GUI toolkit, the applications built with wxPython will have a native look and feel wherever they are deployed.
This book will provide you with the skills to build highly functional and native looking user interfaces for Python applications on multiple operating system environments. By working through the recipes, you will gain insights into and exposure to creating applications using wxPython.
With a wide range of topics covered in the book, there are recipes to get the most basic of beginners started in GUI programming as well as tips to help experienced users get more out of their applications. The recipes will take you from the most basic application constructs all the way through to the deployment of complete applications. Style and approach This book is a collection of step-by-step recipes that introduce the various components and concepts of wxPython in a conversational and easy-to-follow way.
Each recipe contains coded examples along with detailed explanations about the key points of each topic. Each topic is designed to introduce and show you how to use a single feature from the wxPython library. It contains step-by-step instructions for developers who want to build feature-rich desktop applications in wxPython. Basic knowledge of Python is required.
This brings with it a heavily refactored core, a cleaner API, better performance, and some new idioms. You will begin with licensing and installing Neo4j, learning the fundamentals of Cypher as a graph query language, and exploring Cypher optimizations.
You will discover how to integrate with various Python frameworks such as Flask and its extensions: Py2neo, Neomodel, and Django. Finally, the deployment aspects of your Python-based Neo4j applications in a production environment is also covered. By sequentially working through the steps in each chapter, you will quickly learn and master the various implementation details and integrations of Python and Neo4j, helping you to develop your use cases more quickly.
Author : Dusty Phillips Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd ISBN: Category: Computers Page: View: Read Now » Unleash the power of Python 3 objects About This Book Stop writing scripts and start architecting programs Learn the latest Python syntax and libraries A practical, hands-on tutorial that teaches you all about abstract design patterns and how to implement them in Python 3 Who This Book Is For If you're new to object-oriented programming techniques, or if you have basic Python skills and wish to learn in depth how and when to correctly apply object-oriented programming in Python to design software, this is the book for you.
What You Will Learn Implement objects in Python by creating classes and defining methods Separate related objects into a taxonomy of classes and describe the properties and behaviors of those objects via the class interface Extend class functionality using inheritance Understand when to use object-oriented features, and more importantly when not to use them Discover what design patterns are and why they are different in Python Uncover the simplicity of unit testing and why it's so important in Python Grasp common concurrency techniques and pitfalls in Python 3 Exploit object-oriented programming in key Python technologies such as Kivy and Django.
Object-oriented programming concurrently with asyncio In Detail Python 3 is more versatile and easier to use than ever.
It runs on all major platforms in a huge array of use cases. Coding in Python minimizes development time and increases productivity in comparison to other languages. Clean, maintainable code is easy to both read and write using Python's clear, concise syntax. Object-oriented programming is a popular design paradigm in which data and behaviors are encapsulated in such a way that they can be manipulated together.
Many modern programming languages utilize the powerful concepts behind object-oriented programming and Python is no exception. Starting with a detailed analysis of object-oriented analysis and design, you will use the Python programming language to clearly grasp key concepts from the object-oriented paradigm.
This book fully explains classes, data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and exceptions with an emphasis on when you can use each principle to develop well-designed software. You'll get an in-depth analysis of many common object-oriented design patterns that are more suitable to Python's unique style.
This book will not just teach Python syntax, but will also build your confidence in how to program. You will also learn how to create maintainable applications by studying higher level design patterns. Following this, you'll learn the complexities of string and file manipulation, and how Python distinguishes between binary and textual data. Not one, but two very powerful automated testing systems will be introduced in the book. After you discover the joy of unit testing and just how easy it can be, you'll study higher level libraries such as database connectors and GUI toolkits and learn how they uniquely apply object-oriented principles.
You'll learn how these principles will allow you to make greater use of key members of the Python eco-system such as Django and Kivy. This new edition includes all the topics that made Python 3 Object-oriented Programming an instant Packt classic. It's also packed with updated content to reflect recent changes in the core Python library and covers modern third-party packages that were not available on the Python 3 platform when the book was first published.
Style and approach Throughout the book you will learn key object-oriented programming techniques demonstrated by comprehensive case studies in the context of a larger project.
Author : Burkhard A. It is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It is often used as a scripting language because of its forgiving syntax and compatibility with a wide variety of different eco-systems. Its flexible syntax enables developers to write short scripts while at the same time, they can use object-oriented concepts to develop very large projects.
Python GUI Programming Cookbook follows a task-based approach to help you create beautiful and very effective GUIs with the least amount of code necessary. This book uses the simplest programming style, using the fewest lines of code to create a GUI in Python, and then advances to using object-oriented programming in later chapters. Throughout the book, you will develop an entire GUI application, building recipe upon recipe, connecting the GUI to a database. Then we bind a few events to test our event dictionary.
If you run this program, you will see that if you execute any of the bound events, it will print those event names to stdout. Since we set the wx. This can be helpful when debugging as sometimes you want to bind multiple events to one handler and you need to check and see which event was fired. Happy coding! Catching Key Events Catching key events is very easy to do in wxPython. Show 25 app.
MainLoop You will notice that the only widgets of consequence in this piece of code are a panel and a button. The event only fires if the button has focus. Skip at the end. I wanted to be able to detect these keys so that if I was editing a cell, an arrow key press would make the selection change to a different cell.
That is not the default behavior. In a grid, each cell has its own editor and pressing the arrow keys just moves the cursor around within the cell. Check it out below: 1 import wx 2 3 class MyForm wx. SetSizer sizer 18 19 def onWidgetSetup self, widget, event, handler, sizer : 20 widget. Bind event, handler 21 sizer. Add widget, 0, wx. Show 43 app. MainLoop If you run the code above, try clicking the button and then pressing the spacebar. Then change the focus to the text control and hit your delete key.
If you do that, you should see something like the following screenshot: Try pressing other keys and you will see the key codes printed out for each key. Admittedly, this code is mostly for illustration. CmdDown rather than event.
Catching Char Events Catching char events is a little bit harder, but not not by much. Show 32 app. MainLoop I think the main thing that is different is that you want to check for accents or international characters. As Robin Dunn explained it to me, on non-US keyboards then part of cooking the key events into char events is mapping the physical keys to the national keyboard map, to produce characters with accents, umlauts, and such.
You should be able to catch ALT here as well, but I noticed that this does not work on my Windows 7 machine or my Macbook. Wrapping Up At this point you should be capable of writing your own desktop application that can capture key and char events. You might also want to check out the next recipe which is on a similar topic, namely the AcceleratorTable.
This class allows the developer to capture key combinations that the user strikes whilst running your program. Check it out when you get a chance. You probably used it to transfer some files from one folder to another this week!
The wxPython GUI toolkit provides drag and drop functionality baked in. Getting Started wxPython provides several different kinds of drag and drop. PyDropTarget The first two are pretty self-explanatory. The last one, wx. PyDropTarget, is just a loose wrap- per around wx. DropTarget itself. It adds a couple extra convenience methods that the plain wx. FileDropTarget example.
SetInsertionPointEnd 18 self. ALL, 5 42 sizer. ALL, 5 43 self. SetSizer sizer 44 45 def SetInsertionPointEnd self : 46 """ 47 Put insertion point at end of text control to prevent overwriting 48 """ 49 self. SetInsertionPointEnd 50 51 def updateText self, text : 52 """ 53 Write text to the text control 54 """ 55 self. WriteText text 56 57 58 class DnDFrame wx. The first thing to do is to subclass wx. Inside that we have one overridden method, OnDropFiles. We have two more methods in our panel class that the drop target class calls to update the text control: SetInsertionPointEnd and updateText.
Note that since we are passing the panel object as the drop target, we can call these methods whatever we want to. TextDropTarget is used when you want to be able to drag and drop some selected text into a text control. Probably one of the most common examples is dragging a URL on a web page up to the address bar or some text up into the search box in Firefox. SetSizer sizer 35 36 def WriteText self, text : 37 self.
WriteText text 38 39 40 class DnDFrame wx. MainLoop Once again we have to subclass our drop target class. In this case, we call it MyTextDropTarget. The OnDropText method writes text out to the text control. The fun bit about this demo is that you not only get to create a widget that can accept dragged text but you also can drag some text from another widget back to your browser!
URLDataObject ; 11 self. SetDataObject self. GetData : 18 return wx. GetURL 21 self. SetFont font 38 self. SetFont font 48 self. Add firstSizer, 0, wx.
Add secondSizer, 0, wx. TextCtrl : 66 sizer. Add widget, 1, wx. ALL, 5 67 else: 68 sizer. URLDataObject 76 data. DropSource self. MainLoop The first class is our drop target class.
Here we create a wx. The second text control is where we need to pay attention. In the mouse movement event handler OnStartDrag , we check to make sure that the user is dragging. Next we create an instance of a DropSource and pass it our second text control since it IS the source. Finally we call DoDragDrop on our drop source the text control which will respond by moving, copying, canceling or failing. Note: Some web browsers may not work with this code.
SetObjects self. We have our FileDropTarget subclass, we connect the panel to it and then the ObjectListView widget to the drop target instance. We also have a generic class for holding our file-related data.
You would probably need to walk the folder and add up the sizes of the files therein to get that to work. Feel free to fix that on your own. Anyway, the meat of the program is in the updateDisplay method. Wrapping Up At this point, you should now know how to do at least 3 different types of drag and drop in wxPython. Hopefully you will use this new information responsibly and create some fresh open source applications in the near future.
Recipe How to Drag and Drop a File From Your App to the OS A somewhat common use case that you will come across is the need to be able to drag and drop a file from your own custom application to the file system.
In the previous recipe you saw an example of dragging files into your application. Getting Started You will probably want to use a wx. ListCtrl or an ObjectListView widget as they would be the most common widgets to display file information with. InsertColumn 0, 'Name' 15 self. InsertColumn 1, 'Ext' 16 self.
InsertColumn 2, 'Size', 17 wx. InsertColumn 3, 'Modified' 19 20 self. SetColumnWidth 0, 21 self. SetColumnWidth 1, 70 22 self. SetColumnWidth 2, 23 self. SetStringItem j, 1, ext 33 self. SetStringItem 35 j, 3, time. SetItemImage j, 1 40 elif 'py' in ext: 41 self. SetItemImage j, 3 44 elif 'pdf' in ext: 45 self. SetItemImage j, 4 46 else: 47 self.
BoxSizer 63 sizer. Add p1, 1, wx. SetSizer sizer 65 66 self. Center 67 self. GetItem id. DropSource obj 83 dropSource. MainLoop There are a couple of important points here. Then in your handler you need to create a wx. FileDataObject object and use its AddFile method to append a full path to its internal file list. I will note that it also worked for me on Xubuntu Wrapping Up At this point you should have an idea of how you might make your own application be able to drag a file from it to your Desktop.
In other words, he wanted to be able to edit the code and basically refresh the application without closing it and re-running his code. Creating the Reloading App Creating the reloading application is very straight-forward. All we need is some application code to reload dynamically. Python will do the rest. Add showAppBtn, 0, wx. Add reloadBtn, 0, wx.
SetSizer mainSizer 24 25 def onReload self, event : 26 """ 27 Reload the code! Close 31 try: 32 reload testApp 33 except NameError: 34 reload doesn't exist in Python 3. TestFrame 55 56 57 class ReloaderFrame wx. In this case, the module is called testApp and the file is testApp.
Now we need to create the testApp. Creating the Dynamic Application Now we just need to create a super simple application that we can update and then reload it with our reloader application.
MainLoop Now all you have to do is edit this second file and reload it with the first file to see the changes. I recommend adding a button in the TestPanel class, saving it and then hitting the Reload button in the other script to see the changes. However this is a fun way to use wxPython and learn how Python itself works. Besides, part of development is finding new and fun ways to code something. It also provides a few different handlers to save the data it contains into various formats.
One of those happens to be XML. RichTextCtrl self 16 self. ALL, 6 23 sizer. ALL, 6 24 25 self. GetBuffer 32 handler. First we create our lovely application and add an instance of the RichTextCtrl widget to the frame along with a button for saving whatever we happen to write in said widget. Next we set up the binding for the button and layout the widgets. Lastly, we create our event handler. This is where the magic happens. But instead of writing to a file, we write to a file-like object, which is our StringIO instance.
We do this so we can write the data to memory and then read it back out. The reason we do this is because the person on StackOverflow wanted a way to extract the XML that the RichTextCtrl generates and write it to a database. We could have written it to disk first and then read that file, but this is less messy and faster. Instead you would read and write the data in chunks. Anyway, this code works for what we wanted to do. I hope you found this useful.
It was certainly fun to figure out. In this next section, we will update the example so that it will! You will need to use SaveFile instead. The other problem is actually one introduced by Python 3. So for our next example, I updated the code to support both Python 3 and wxPython Phoenix. SetSizer sizer 26 self.
The XML that is printed out is a binary string, so if you plan to parse that, then you may need to cast that result into a string. This can be a useful tool to have should you need to save the data in your application off to a database or some other data storage. The wxPython toolkit provides a simple way to accomplish this feat by changing the alpha transparency of the any top-level widget. For this example I will use a frame object as the top level object and a timer to change the alpha transparency by a unit of 5 every second.
The range of values is 0 - with 0 being completely transparent and being completely opaque. SetTransparent self. Timer self, wx. Start 60 16 self. AlphaCycle 17 18 def AlphaCycle self, evt : 19 """ 20 Fade the frame in and out 21 """ 22 self. Show 35 app. MainLoop As you can see, all you need to do to change the transparency of the top-level widget is to call the SetTransparent method of that widget and pass it the amount to set.
I have actually used this method in some of my past applications when I needed to fade in an alert, such as when I needed to let a user know that they had received a new email. There is also the ToasterBox widget in wx. You should check it out! Recipe Making Your Text Flash Back in the early days of the Internet, there were a lot of website that had flashing text and banner ads that were supposed to get your attention.
I was even asked to create one in my brief stint as a web developer. Some people want the blinky text in their desktop applications too. So in this recipe we will learn how to do this. SetFont self. Timer self 19 self. SetLabel self. SetForegroundColour random. StaticText instance and a wx.
Creating Changing Text Some managers might want to give the application some extra bling by making the text change as will as blink. Timer self 18 self. SetLabel "Oops! It's mod zero time! Recipe Making Your Text Flash Wrapping Up Now you have a new trick in your arsenal that you can use with old school managers or bosses. You may even find the techniques used in this article useful for doing something completely different as well. It may not be the most interesting feature, but learning how to use a wx.
Timer effectively can be quite useful. While we will look at how that is accomplished in this recipe, we will also take it one step further and learn how to make our application full screen too. A full screen application will actually run in such a way that you cannot see anything else on that screen i. Maximizing the Frame As I mentioned in the introduction, occasionally you will want your wxPython application to be maximized when you first load it.
Show 20 self. MainLoop Here we have a pretty standard set up using two classes, one a sub-class of wx. Panel and the other a sub-class of wx. If you call Maximize before you call Show , you may see a glitch. See screenshot below: As you can see, the frame is showing a little on the right hand side and along the bottom the darker grey. Close 20 else: 21 event. Skip 22 23 24 class MyFrame wx. Thus I added an event handler for key events such that the user can press ESC to close the application.
Note: This example may not work on all platforms. Recipe Making your Frame Maximize or Full Screen Wrapping Up At this point, you should be familiar with how to make your own wxPython application go into a maximized state or even full screen right after starting. I think Mac users will probably find this particular recipe the most useful as I have seen a lot of Mac power users who like to full screen their applications. Recipe Using wx. It has the minimize, maximize and close buttons on it as well as the caption along the top that identifies the application.
Frame allows you to modify its styles in such a way that you can remove or disable various buttons and features. In this article, we will look at some of the ways that you can change the behavior of the wx.
You can create a frame that uses wx. Frame Styles 1 import wx 2 3 4 class DefaultFrame wx. Panel self 13 self. MainLoop This will create a normal frame with all the normal functionality any user would expect. Panel self 16 self. MainLoop That was easy. The caption is what holds the buttons along the top of the frame along with the title of the application.
MainLoop When this code is run, the panel is squashed up in the upper left hand corner of the frame. Frame Styles might also note that you cannot close this application since there is no close button on it. You will need to kill your Python process to close this application. On Linux, the close button actually does get removed. Panel self 15 self. MainLoop Of course, on Windows you cannot close this application either, so this is a rather annoying piece application.
Button that can close it instead. On Linux, you can close it by double-clicking the top left corner. MainLoop As you can see, we just removed the wx. You could use SetSizeHints or you could just set some frame style flags. Frame Styles 1 import wx 2 3 4 class NoResizeFrame wx. Frame : 5 """ 6 This frame cannot be resized. MainLoop Note that here we use bitwise operators to remove 3 style flags from the wx.
As you can see, this gives us a frame that we cannot resize in any way. Basically, they want to remove ALL the buttons, but leave the title. Panel self 17 self. MainLoop You will note that all we changed was to reduce the style flags down to just one: wx. They want their application to stay on top of all the others. Frame Styles 14 self. MainLoop Here we just use the default style flag and add on wx. There are a couple of other style flags that are OS dependent like wx.
To learn about those flags, I recommend checking out the documentation. In the meantime, go forth and use your knowledge wisely. Recipe Creating Taskbar Icons Have you ever wondered how to create those little status icons in the Windows System Tray that usually appear on the lower right of your screen? The wxPython toolkit provides a pretty simple way to do just that and this article will walk you through the process.
You will need to find an icon file to use or create a Python image file via the img2py utility that was mentioned in the Embedding an Icon in the Title Bar recipe. Icon 'python. SetIcon icon, "Python" 18 19 bind some events 20 self. Just create 27 the menu how you want it and return it from this function, 28 the base class takes care of the rest. Menu 31 menu. Append self. AppendSeparator 34 menu. CreatePopupMenu 52 self. PopupMenu menu 53 menu. Destroy This first class is based on one that you can find in the wxPython demo package.
As mentioned earlier, you will note that we are sub-classing wx. We set its icon to something and also set its mouse-over help string. If you mouse-over the image in your toolbar, you should see the text appear.
Then we bind a few events. One event will open a pop-up menu on right-click. Anyway we also set it up such that when you right-click, you can choose to do a few options.
We only have a couple of the options actually do anything though. Panel self 7 self. RemoveIcon 15 self. Destroy 16 self. Show 22 app. You might wonder about this. There are some gotchas with using the TaskBarIcon on Windows. If I just tell the frame to close, it closes just fine, but the icon remains and Python just kind of hangs in lala land.
When you do catch this event, you can NOT just call self. Destroy instead. Destroy 54 55 56 class MyForm wx. Panel self 62 self. RemoveIcon 70 self. Destroy 71 self. Show 77 app. MainLoop The main difference here is where we import wx. I highly recommend looking at the wxPython demo to see what else you can do with it. Recipe Minimizing to System Tray This recipe is on a topic that I see asked about every once in a while. Making wxPython minimize the frame to the system tray is really quite simple.
Creating a Simple TaskBarIcon Creating a task bar icon is very easy to do in wxPython, especially if you already have an icon file. SetIcon icon, "Restore" 17 18 self. Show 35 self. Restore As you can see here, all we needed to do was pass the path of the icon file to wx. Icon and tell it what file type we gave it. Then we just call the wx. Image "24x BitmapFromImage img 3 self. EmptyIcon 4 self. CopyFromBitmap bmp 5 self. SetIcon self. Note: As mentioned in recipe 29, you will need to update this code to make it work in wxPython Phoenix as the TaskBarIcon class was moved into wx.
SetIcon icon, "Restore" 18 19 self. Show 36 self. Panel self 12 self. CustomTaskBarIcon self 13 14 self. Show 18 19 def onClose self, evt : 20 """ 21 Destroy the taskbar icon and the frame 22 """ 23 self. RemoveIcon 24 self. Destroy 25 self. Destroy 26 27 def onMinimize self, event : 28 """ 29 When minimizing, hide the frame so it "minimizes to tray" 30 """ 31 if self. IsIconized : 32 self. The latter fires when the user minimizes the frame, so we use that to minimize to the tray, which is really just hiding the frame.
Well you need to catch the close event in case the user tries to close the application via the tray icon. And you need to make sure you remove the icon AND destroy it or your application will appear to close but actually just hang in the background. Wrapping Up Now you know how to minimize your wxPython application to the system tray area. You could use it for lots of other things, such as a monitor that responds to events by raising the frame to prominence.
Recipe How to Get Children Widgets from a Sizer In this recipe we will discover how to get the children widgets from a sizer object. However, this returns a list of SizerItem objects rather than a list of the actual widgets themselves. You can see the difference if you call a wx. ALL, 5 20 self. ALL, 5 21 self. ALL, 5 22 23 panel. GetWindow 33 print widget 34 if isinstance widget, wx. TextCtrl : 35 widget. Show 42 app. MainLoop The important bit is in the onClear method.
Once we have that, we can do stuff with the widget, such as change the label, value or in this case, clear the text control. Wrapping Up This can be really handy to know how to do when you need to loop over some children widgets that need to be hidden. Or if you have a form and you want to clear it, this is one of the easiest methods of doing so. Give it a try and do some experimentation to see how useful it can be. Recipe How to Use the Clipboard Everyone who uses computers regularly knows that they can copy and paste text.
Most programs provide access to a clipboard of some sort, whether it be just within the program itself or to the system clipboard, which allows items to be copied to other applications. The wxPython GUI toolkit also provides clipboard access, which you can use to copy text to and from within your program and even to the system clipboard.
You can also copy images to the clipboard. The other button also copies to clipboard and then closes the application after flushing the data. This is supposed to make the data available in the system clipboard even after the application is closed. Both work great on Windows, but wxGTK i. See the bug ticket for more information. ALL, 5 20 sizer.
Add copyBtn, 0, wx. Add copyFlushBtn, 0, wx. SetSizer sizer 24 25 def onCopy self, event : 26 """""" 27 self. TextDataObject 28 self. SetText self. GetValue 29 if wx. Open : 30 wx. SetData self. Close 32 else: 33 wx. MessageBox "Unable to open the clipboard", "Error" 34 35 def onCopyAndFlush self, event : 36 """ 37 Copy to the clipboard and close the application 38 """ 39 self.
TextDataObject 40 self. GetValue 41 if wx. Open : 42 wx. Flush 44 else: 45 wx. MessageBox "Unable to open the clipboard", "Error" 46 47 self. Beginning SharePoint Development 18 June Beginning SharePoint 18 June Popular Categories.
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