Unzip the file. Yang F. Yang 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges. I wonder if there's an app, which does all of this for you. I would gladly use it myself. Daniil Gannota Daniil Gannota 73 8 8 bronze badges. Restart your PC and run iCloud. Then you can sign in by entering your Apple ID and password. Go to Settings, click iCloud, choose the features and contents you need to download Only pictures and videos , and click on the Apply button.
And then upload your iCloud photos and videos from device to PC. Go to "iCloud Photos", and view the photos and videos in this folder on computer. The latter - Storing Data in iCloud Backup: When you complete a backup, the data in the iCloud backup file will not change unless you perform a backup one more time. There must be one that suits you.
With the step-by-step guide, you can follow and download the iCloud backup file to computer with simple steps. Editor of FoneCope, does great in fixing Android and Apple device related problems, writing technical tips step by step. Part 1. Part 2. Syncing with iCloud VS. Preview and Download Data from iCloud Backup to PC Selectively If you are looking a professional extractor to restore various data types more than 22 from iCloud backup, FoneCope iPhone Data Recovery is here for you to wisely download iCloud backup to PC computer and browse the details in advance before selectively retrieving them.
Choose a recovery mode and select data types After downloading and launching this iPhone data recovery software on computer, now you can open this program. Step 2. Free Download. For users who have installed the iCloud client on Windows PC, when you set up the Photos Options there may come an option that says: Keep high efficiency original if available.
And just as you can see, AnyTrans could be the best choice for us to download photos from iCloud. It also helps us manage other iCloud content, like notes, contacts , calendars and more.
If you have further needs of downloading files from iCloud, just try AnyTrans to do the task. Product-related questions? Joy Taylor Last Updated: Jul. Double-click a photo or video, then copy it to another folder on your computer. In iCloud for Windows 7. Click iCloud Photos in the Navigation pane. Double-click the Shared folder. If you need help downloading your photos or videos Make sure your device is not on Low Power Mode.
Low Power Mode temporarily pauses iCloud Photos. Learn more about Low Power Mode. Depending on your internet connection and the number of photos you're downloading, it may take some time for your download to complete. Want to make a backup of your photos? Learn how to archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloud.
Ensure your other cloud is active within the File App. Long press on the folder name to activate further option, then select Compress to create a zip file of the folder. You can skip this step, but I recommend it if you are planning to copy to another cloud and not for the internal iPhone storage. The Mac iCloud document sync now only downloads stubs for files you do not need synced. In my experience, it does a light sync when you have 20 GB or more of files in the cloud or have low space on your Mac already.
It watches as you use files - seamlessly downloading them only when you are using them and they stick around as long as you have local space - freeing up oldest first when you start to get close to space being needed on your local storage. When this is set up, you can zip the folder on the Mac, drag them to another place or click the icon next to the folder name that has a cloud and down arrow to request just those files download now. Sign up to join this community.
The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Download folder from iCloud Drive web Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 8 months ago. Active 8 months ago. Viewed k times. Improve this question. This is essentially a dupe of apple.