Download family search file

Make sure that you have the newest update to Legacy Family Tree downloaded and installed. This is critical because this update has import new features that let Legacy connect to the Family Tree at FamilySearch. The following directions are written for the current version. Click on Download my family from FamilySearch. Apple iOS: Tap the share icon in the bottom left corner. Then tap Save to Files or save it to available applications on your device.

Android: Tap the three dots in the top right corner, then tap Download. Family Tree Navigate to the person whose memory item you want to download, and tap the name. Tap Memories. Tap a memory item to view it. Tap within the item to bring up the toolbar. Apple iOS: Tap the share icon , then tap Save to Files or save it to available applications on your device. Downloading your tree from FamilySearch requires you to use third-party software that is certified by FamilySearch to work with its tree, ie.

Here are instructions for how to do this with RootsMagic Essentials, the free downloadable version of RootsMagic software. If you use the full version of RootsMagic software, follow the same instructions.

Download RootsMagic Essentials. Click Free Download, and then enter your name and email address. Click if you want them to send you product news and updates. Then select whether to download the PC or Mac version. From the welcome screen, select the option to create a new file OR from the File dropdown menu, choose New. Enter a file name.

Click the option for FamilySearch Family Tree support and, if you will be doing any additional research from this file, click the option to enable web hints and match to FamilySearch when hints are found. Choose additional options as you wish, as shown below. A guide outlining the three basic steps to starting your family history research. A Pedigree Chart with space to fill in names, dates, and places for four generations of your family. A Family Group Sheet with space to list information about a husband, wife, and their children.

A Research Log that allows you to keep track of your family history research. You can write down list of sources you have searched and what you find.


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