Download file with attribute name

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David your website has changed ever since I came here and you saved my job, we are still using you code. Hey I need to know how to package an app and have it ready for download, can any one help me do that?

Very nice, but it doesnt work in emails, for example i wanted to use it in a link that is sent by email, but the problem is when i click in the link it opens a new page. Hey, my namesake, you really saved my life!.

This was very helpful. The only other reference I could find for it was a rather complicated bit of PHP that required server-side manipulation. I tried it with zip file it fails in Firefox From my php file i created a dir listing.

In crome it works fine. Can any body tell what was the issue? This attribute is only honored for links to resources with the same-origin. HTML5 download Attribute. By David Walsh on August 22, View Demo.

By David Walsh September 27, CSS Rounded Corners The ability to create rounded corners with CSS opens the possibility of subtle design improvements without the need to include images. By David Walsh May 5, Discussion Chung Xa. Edd Turtle. There are no restrictions on allowed values, and the browser will automatically detect the correct file extension and add it to the file.

Specify a value for the download attribute, which will be the new filename of the downloaded file "w3logo. We just launched W3Schools videos. Get certified by completing a course today! Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Download attribute is used to make browsers download the resource an anchor points to rather than navigate to it. And as an option, a new file name for the downloaded file can be provided.

Note that not all browsers support this. By clicking the link, I would expect to download the file with the name, video. But the actual file name, which is oceans-clip. Do you know why the new file name was not used here? I tested this with Chrome. If this attribute is present and Content-Disposition: is set to inline, Firefox gives priority to Content-Disposition, like for the filename case, while Chrome gives priority to the download attribute. This actually is possible with JavaScript, though browser support would be spotty.

You can use XHR2 to download the file from the server to the browser as a Blob, create a URL to the Blob, create an anchor with its href property and set it to that URL, set the download property to whatever filename you want it to be, and then click the link. This works in Google Chrome, but I haven't verified support in other browsers.

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