Foundations of health information management torrent download

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About Elsevier. Set via JS. Author: Nadinia Davis. Paperback ISBN: Imprint: Elsevier. Published Date: 23rd October Page Count: Support Center. Free Shipping Free global shipping No minimum order.

Clear writing style and easy reading level make reading and studying more time-efficient, and are ideal for 2-year associate degree HIM programs and career schools. Professional Profile boxes highlight key HIM professionals within chapter discussions.

Identify key elements of an effective job description. Describe legal aspects of medicine involving the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, professional standards in healthcare, and medical malpractice. Explain the roles of accreditation entities, regulatory bodies, and professional associations in healthcare in the United States.

Unit 3: Technology Environment Module 7: Health IT Applications Describe the impact of developments in public health informatics, bioinformatics, and translational research on healthcare processes and associated ethical concerns. Describe the impact of third-party payers on implementation of HIT systems. Describe the key trends impacting the development of health IT over the past two decades. Describe ways to keep abreast of new developments in health IT.

Explain how the use of an EHR system can affect patient care, safety, efficiency of care practices, and patient outcomes. Explain the components, types, and functions of information systems and how they are used in the healthcare setting. Identify attributes and functions of an EHR. Module 9: Clinical and Financial Applications Describe the overall flow of data throughout the healthcare organization and the healthcare system. Describe the purpose, attributes, and functions of specific clinical applications.

Describe the strategies used by healthcare organizations to ensure integration of functions. Explain how electronic information applications are currently used in various healthcare settings. Explain the critical elements needed to integrate billing, financial, and clinical systems.

Identify common barriers to implementation and adoption of healthcare information systems and strategies to overcome these barriers. Identify how clinical applications can affect patient care, safety, quality, and efficiency as well as patient outcomes. Summarize the administrative, billing, and financial systems in the healthcare environment. Module Consumer Health Informatics Describe and define consumer health informatics. Describe the benefits and challenges of consumer health informatics.

Describe the emergence of personal health records and their implications. Describe the ongoing trends occurring in consumer health informatics and in the consumer health information technology market. Describe the role of technology in patient engagement in patient-centered care. Module Systems Architecture and Components Describe a computer network and how medical and point-of-care devices fit in the system.

Describe the advantages and limitations of Web services. Describe the functions of the main elements of HIT systems architectures and how they interact. Describe the general trends in IT infrastructure and architecture in the healthcare environment and how regulations are shaping these trends. Module Health Information Exchange and Standards Describe secure and private techniques for handling patient information.

Describe the current standards that are being applied to patient information. Describe the principles and methodologies underlying standards for health data interchange regulations and practices.

Identify ways in which meaningful use requirements support health information exchange. Analyze an existing workflow process map in terms of the information that could be generated and the sequence of steps that are being communicated. Create a process map for a healthcare system or system component using correct symbols and conventions.

Describe the purpose of process analysis and redesign in clinical settings. Describe the role of a practice workflow and information management redesign specialist. Explain how healthcare process analysis and redesign and meaningful use are related.

Explain the value of process mapping. Interpret standard process mapping symbols and conventions. Module Business, User, and Technical Requirements Describe how business and user requirements relate to each other, and identify strategies to resolve conflicts between different stakeholder requirements. Describe the technical requirements of healthcare systems, and describe the roles of businesses and users during a healthcare systems analysis.

Identify specific formats, standards, and examples of best practices that apply to requirements development and documentation. Identify stakeholders and present their roles in the requirements development and validation process. Identify the roles and responsibilities of analysts during the development and validation of requirements.

Module Usability and Human Factors Apply methods for measuring mental workload and information overload. Describe how human factors analysis can be applied to the study of medical devices. Describe the study of human factors as they apply to usability. Describe the systems-centered approach to error and patient safety and the different dimensions of the concept of human error. Explain how cognitive, physical, and organizational ergonomics can be applied to human factors engineering.

Explain the impact of HIT usability on user satisfaction, adoption, and workarounds, including error rates and unintended consequences. Explain usability and its relationship to HIT systems. Explain usability as it pertains to EHRs, and describe common challenges. Identify strategies to prevent or address HIT usability obstacles. Module Systems Analysis, Planning, and Design Describe and compare conceptual models that apply to the design process. Describe and compare the three design life cycle models.

Describe process redesign and key processes in a clinical scenario. Describe the concepts of process variations and exceptions. Describe the purpose of process analysis. Explain the main elements of a user-centered design approach. Identify the key elements of readiness assessment. Module Project Management Describe best practices to support project cost management activities. Describe best practices to support project time management activities. Describe how project quality is assessed.

Describe key documents to manage expectations and define success of a project. Describe the importance of an organizational approach to IT decision making. Describe the key elements of project management. Describe the project planning documents and their importance to the project. Describe the range and characteristics of HIT projects. Identify and describe each component of the project management plan.

Identify best practices to support project procurement activities. Identify the roles and responsibilities of a project manager.

Describe use cases and relate them to functional requirements. Explain the key steps and criteria in the evaluation process, including interoperability with existing systems and need for customization. Identify the key steps and criteria in the proposal selection process in the context of health IT, including systems compliance to healthcare technology standards. Interpret user and systems requirements, and evaluate candidate systems and subsystems against these requirements.

Module System Acquisition Describe how leadership, organization, and management encourage change and prepare users for the EHR system. Describe the contract negotiation process. Describe the EHR system acquisition planning process.

Describe the process for evaluating an EHR system. Describe the process for selecting new technology. Describe data and communication standards that support communication between disparate systems. Describe health information exchange benefits, challenges, and approaches. Describe the roles of key entities involved in establishing standards related to clinical software and medical devices.

Describe different models of the SDLC and their key differences. Describe the challenges, strategies, and approaches to consider for an effective EHR implementation plan. Describe the human, system, and organizational factors that influence the effectiveness of an implementation project. Describe the importance of pilot testing and postimplementation processes. Describe the roles and characteristics of an effective EHR implementation team.

Explain user acceptance testing UAT.


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