Does the Mac still matter? Apple execs tell why the MacBook Pro was over four years in the making, and why we should care.
Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. We delete comments that violate our policy , which we encourage you to read. Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion. Jason Cipriani. Pls help. Please HELP. I had just purchased an iphone4 but I m not able to download any of the apps since I dont have a credit card. How can I download any app without the credit card file?
The iphone useless without the apps. Hi Dave Taylor, well, i have this itunes 10 and ipod touch 2. Can you help me? I did not download it to Itunestor and then on to my phone. Now Im home again and connected to my mack but I can not download the software from my phone to my account at Itune store. I recently bought a new laptop because my previous one broke.
Im not worried about it deleting my free apps; But is their any way to re-download my paid apps for free or will they just stay on there? Your email address will not be published.
February 21, at pm. September 23, at pm. September 1, at pm. August 2, at am. May 23, at am. January 10, at am.
January 9, at pm. January 1, at am. However, if your iTunes version is beyond Also, you can also use AnyTrans to transfer apps from other devices or directly download apps to your iPhone. We sincerely hope the above guide helps you achieve it with no hassle. Product-related questions? Joy Taylor Last Updated: Aug. Part 1. How to Download Apps to iPhone with Ease. Transfer Apps from iTunes to iPhone. Select an iTunes Backup to Restore Apps. Choose a Specific App to Restore. Transfer Apps from One iPhone to Another.
Click Apps from Device Manager. Download iPhone Apps to App Library. Sign-in with an Apple account. Search and select apps. App download progress. Install the App on Your iPhone.