Its the only app i found that supports videos. And have an interesting future Hope that works for you. It's really easy. It's not the name of the file, but the name of the folder. In new gear vr app v. But I not recommend it, because it just dtretch degree video into pano mode making eveyone looks ugly wide and fat. Are you sure you eant this? Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Play degree videos on samsung gear vr Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 8 months ago. Active 4 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 14k times. Does anyone know how I can achieve this? I personally use the soft covers from VRcovers however people have also reported that the waterproof version of the foam cover is great for people that sweat a lot. The waterproof covers for the Samsung Gear VR. The S6 is great for Gear VR. Just watching videos youtube, netflix, Samsung VR I can get about an hour and 15 minutes before overheating.
Sometimes I use Velcro to attach an ice pack to the front. Alternatively it might be time to get a complete upgrade where you can get a discounted Oculus Quest for a fraction of the price. I received it when I purchased mine at launch. The s7 would get super hot after just a few minutes of using it — and this was when it was brand new.
Since it looks like the consumer Gear VR is shipping from Best Buy in Canada on the 11th of December, you will likely see the update available to you by then. I love my Gear. Here is the best way to clean the lenses of your Samsung Gear VR and how to optimize your image quality.
By far the quickest way to learn all the features of the Gear VR is to go through the tutorial at the beginning. One of the best features of the Samsung Gear VR is that it can immerse you in an incredible environment which allows you to either watch amazing videos or even BE in the video. Start with the Netflix virtual reality app. It should be pre-installed when you receive your Samsung Gear VR.
You may watch any movie on the giant screen ahead of you using the standard Netflix menu or you may use the secret void mode in Netflix. In order to unlock the void theater, look straight up into a grey area while in the Netflix application.
This is how you can lie down and watch movies with virtual reality. The added benefit of using VOID mode is that it has less background to render and therefore will reduce the battery drain, allowing for longer viewing sessions. The best way to enjoy your own movies on the Samsung Gear VR is to use the Oculus video application that comes bundled with the Gear. The newer versions of the Samsung Gear VR software takes care of sorting everything out as long as you put it into the correct folders.
Note: The folders are not created by default, you must use File Explorer to create a new folder. Power Tip: If you want to have custom thumbnails for your videos, then create a. The video will then use that image instead of automatically generating a random thumbnail. The default theaters are really amazing and are quite enjoyable. They can provide a completely different viewing experience and immerse you in a way that was not previously possible in a home setting.
My favorite way of enjoying movies however, is in the void. This allows you to take any position reclined in a chair, lying down in bed and watch a movie. In order to watch the most comfortable movie of your life. This is especially cool in space.
The quality is limited but until Google releases an official App for the Samsung Gear VR, this is the fastest way to view Youtube videos. If you want to watch movies without loading them to your phone beforehand, you can stream movies using the Milk VR app. The application can be tricky to use so read this and this to get started. Recording via software mirroring is great for tutorials with static images.
If you want to record fast action video, I would recommend investing in a hardware solution. Disclosure : As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The commission help keep the rest of my content free, so thank you! All my Videos are breaking around 4min.
And getting corrupted after the 4min. On my PC I can see that the video is intact.