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Free download Mobile. For now, run the code, move the mouse, and click to see what it does. The Present option clears the rest of the screen when the program is run to present the sketch all by itself. You can also use Present from the Toolbar by holding down the Shift key as you click the Run button. You can find it under the File menu. By default, your programs are saved to the "sketchbook," which is a folder that collects your programs for easy access.
Select the Sketchbook option in the File menu to bring up a list of all the sketches in your sketchbook. As you try different things, keep saving with different names, so that you can always go back to an earlier version. This is especially helpful if—no, when—something breaks.
You can also see where the sketch is located on your computer with the Show Sketch Folder command under the Sketch menu. You can create a new sketch by selecting the New option from the File menu. This will create a new sketch in its own window Share Processing sketches are made to be shared. The Export Application option in the File menu will bundle your code into a single folder.
Download Exhibition Examples and Reference Reference Libraries Learning how to program involves exploring lots of code: running, altering, breaking, and enhancing it until you Tools have reshaped it into something new. With this in mind, the Processing software download includes dozens of Environment examples that demonstrate different features of the software. The Handbook examples are grouped into categories based on their function, such as Form, Motion, and Image.
Figure shows a visualization of sine wave values and how they relate to angles. At the top and bottom of the wave, notice how the rate of change the change on the vertical axis slows down, stops, then switches direc- tion.
The sin and cos functions in Processing return values between —1 and 1 for the sine or cosine of the specified angle. Like arc , the angles must be given in radian values see Examples and for a reminder of how radians work.
To be useful for drawing, the float values returned by sin and cos are usually multiplied by a larger value. Sine and cosine values. Example Sine Wave Values This example shows how values for sin cycle from —1 to 1 as the angle increases. With the map function, the sinval variable is converted from this range to values from 0 and The cos values provide the x-coordinates, and the sin values the y-coordinates.
For instance, you can move a shape 50 pixels to the right, or you can move the location of coordinate 0,0 50 pixels to the right—the visual result on screen is the same. By modifying the default coordinate system, we can create different transformations including translation, rotation, and scaling. Figure demonstrates this graphically. Translating, rotating, and scaling the coordinates. This function can shift the coordinate system left, right, up, and down with its two parameters. Example Translating Location In this example, notice that each rectangle is drawn at coordinate 0,0 , but they are moved around on the screen, because they are affected by translate : The translate function sets the 0,0 coordinate of the screen to the mouse location.
In the next line, the rect drawn at the new 0,0 is in fact drawn at the mouse location. Example Multiple Translations After a transformation is made, it is applied to all subsequent drawing functions. For every pushMatrix , you need to have a matching popMatrix.
Example Rotation The rotate function rotates the coordinate system. It has one parameter, which is the angle in radians to rotate. It always rotates relative to 0,0 , known as rotating around the origin. The following example is identical to Example , except that translate and rotate are reversed.
The shape now rotates around the upper-left corner of the display window, with the distance from the corner set by translate : NOTE: You can also use the rectMode , ellipseMode , imageMode , and shapeMode functions to make it easier to draw shapes from their center.
Example Scaling The scale function stretches the coordinates on the screen. Like rotate , it transforms from the origin. The coordinate system is automatically reset to the default when draw begins each frame. Robot 5: Motion In this example, the techniques for random and circular motion are ap- plied to the robot. At each frame, a random number between —4 and 4 is added to the x-coordinate, and a random number between —1 and 1 is added to the y- coordinate.
This causes the robot to move more from left to right than top to bottom. This chapter shows how to write new functions to extend the capabilities of Processing beyond its built-in features. The power of functions is modularity. As with functions, the true power of these bricks is the ability to build many different forms from the same set of elements. The same group of LEGOs that makes a spaceship can be reused to construct a truck, a skyscraper, and many other objects.
Functions are helpful if you want to draw a more complex shape like a tree over and over. Functions allow a complex sequence of statements to be abstracted, so you can focus on the higher- level goal such as drawing a tree , and not the details of the implementa- tion the line commands that define the tree shape. Once a function is defined, the code inside the function need not be repeated again.
Function Basics A computer runs a program one line at a time. When a function is run, the computer jumps to where the function is defined and runs the code there, then jumps back to where it left off.
Example Roll the Dice This behavior is illustrated with the rollDice function written for this ex- ample. When a program starts, it runs the code in setup and then stops. The program takes a detour and runs the code inside rollDice each time it appears: The two lines of code in rollDice select a random number between 1 and the number of sides on the dice, and prints that number to the Console.
The random function described on page 97 returns a number from 0 up to but not including the number specified. So random 6 returns a num- ber between 0 and 5.
Because random returns a float value, we also use int to convert it to an integer. So int random 6 will return 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Then we add 1 so that the number returned is between 1 and 6 like a die. Like many other cases in this book, counting from 0 makes it easier to use the results of random with other calculations. Example Another Way to Roll If an equivalent program were written without the rollDice function, it might look like this: The rollDice function in Example makes the code easier to read and maintain.
The program is clearer, because the name of the function clearly states its purpose. In this example, we see the random function in setup , but its use is not as obvious. Also, Example is easier to maintain, because information is not repeated. The phase is repeated three times here. If you want to change that text to something else, you would need to update the program in three places, rather than making a single edit inside the rollDice function.
See Figure This is a tedious and inefficient way to draw a second owl, not to mention the headache of adding a third owl with this method. But duplicating the code is unnecessary, because this is the type of situation where a function can come to the rescue.
Example An Owl Function In this example, a function is introduced to draw two owls with the same code. The owl is drawn in two different locations because of the parameters passed into the function that set the x- and y-coordinates. Parameters are an important part of functions, because they provide flexibility. We saw another example in the rollDice function; the single parameter named numSides made it possible to simulate a 6-sided die, a sided die, or a die with any number of sides.
This is just like many other Processing functions. For instance, the parameters to the line function make it possible to draw a line from any pixel on screen to any other pixel. Without the parameters, the function would be able to draw a line only from one fixed point to another. When this example is run, the first time the owl function is called, the value of the x parameter is , and y is also In the second use of the function, the value of x is and y is again Make sure the values passed into a function match the data types of the parameters.
For instance, if the following appeared inside the setup for Example This would create an error, because the data type for the x and y parameters is int, and the values Notice that when this type of function appears, the return value is usually assigned to a variable: In this case, random returns a value between 1 and 10, which is then as- signed to the r variable.
A function that returns a value is also frequently used as a parameter to another function. Example Return a Value To make a function that returns a value, replace the keyword void with the data type that you want the function to return.
In your function, specify the data to be passed back with the keyword return. For instance, this example includes a function called calculateMars that calculates the weight of a person or object on our neighboring planet: Notice the data type float before the function name to show that it returns a floating-point value, and the last line of the block, which returns the vari- able newWeight.
In the second line of setup , that value is assigned to the variable marsWeight. To see your own weight on Mars, change the value of the yourWeight variable to your weight. Notice how what were global variables in Robot 2 have now been isolated within the drawRobot function.
Because these variables apply only to drawing the robot, they belong inside the curly braces that define the drawRobot function block. Unlike the primitive data types boolean, int, and float, which can store only one value, an object can store many. Objects are also a way to group variables with related functions. Objects are important, because they break up ideas into smaller build- ing blocks. This mirrors the natural world where, for instance, organs are made of tissue, tissue is made of cells, and so on.
Similarly, as your code becomes more complicated, you must think in terms of smaller struc- tures that form more complicated ones.
A software object is a collection of related variables and functions. In the context of objects, a variable is called a field or instance variable and a function is called a method. To say it another way, an object combines related data fields with related actions and be- haviors methods. The idea is to group together related data with related methods that act on that data.
For instance, to model a radio, think about what parameters can be ad- justed and the actions that can affect those parameters: Fields: volume, frequency, band FM, AM , power on, off Methods: setVolume, setFrequency, setBand Modeling a simple mechanical device is easy compared to modeling an organism like an ant or a person. The Sims video game is a clear ex- ample. This game is played by managing the daily activities of simulated people.
The characters have enough personality to make a playable, addictive game, but no more. In fact, they have only five personality at- tributes: neat, outgoing, active, playful, and nice. Classes and Objects Before you can create an object, you must define a class. A class is the specification for an object. Using an architectural analogy, a class is like a blueprint for a house, and the object is like the house itself. Each house made from the blueprint can have variations, and the blueprint is only the specification, not a built structure.
For example, one house can be blue and the other red; one house might come with a fireplace and the other without. Likewise with objects, the class defines the data types and be- haviors, but each object house made from a single class blueprint has variables color, fireplace that are set to different values.
To use a more technical term, each object is an instance of a class and each instance has its own set of fields and methods. Define a Class Before you write a class, we recommend a little planning. Think about what fields and methods your class should have. Do a little brainstorming to imagine all the possible options and then prioritize and make your best guess about what will work. For your fields, select clear names and decide the data type for each. The fields inside a class can be any type of data.
A class can simultaneously hold many booleans, floats, images, strings, and so on. Keep in mind that one reason to make a class is to group together related data elements.
For your methods, select clear names and decide the return values if any. We start by making a list of the fields from the example: The next step is to figure out what methods might be useful for the class.
The position of the shape is updated and drawn to the screen. Create the block. Add the fields. Write a constructor explained shortly to assign values to the fields. Add the methods. First, we create a block: Notice that the keyword class is lowercase and the name JitterBug is uppercase. Second, we add the fields. When we do this, we have to decide which fields will have their values assigned through a constructor, a special method used for that purpose.
As a rule of thumb, field values that you want to be different for each class are passed in through the constructor, and the other field values can be defined when they are declared.
So the fields are declared as follows: Third, we add the constructor. The constructor always has the same name as the class. The purpose of the constructor is to assign the initial values to the fields when an object an instance of the class is created Figure The code inside the constructor block is run once when the object is first created.
Each of the values passed in is assigned to a temporary variable that exists only while the code inside the constructor is run. They are used only to assign the values to the fields that are a part of the class. Also, note the code spacing. Passing values into the constructor. Example Make an Object Now that you have defined a class, to use it in a program you must define an object from that class. There are two steps to create an object: 1. Declare the object variable.
Create initialize the object with the keyword new. We declare object variables in a similar way to variables from primitive data types like bool- ean, int, and float. The object is declared by stating the data type followed by a name for the variable: The second step is to initialize the object with the keyword new.
It makes space for the object in memory and creates the fields. The name of the constructor is written to the right of the new keyword, followed by the parameters into the constructor, if any: The three numbers within the parentheses are the parameters that are passed into the JitterBug class constructor. The number of these para- meters and their data types must match those of the constructor.
The dot operator is used to join the name of the object with its fields and methods. This becomes clearer in this example, where two objects are made from the same class. The jit. For instance, you could add a field to the JitterBug class that controls the color, or another that determines its size.
These values can be passed in using the constructor or assigned using additional methods, such as setColor or setSize. Now is a good time to learn about the tab feature of the Processing En- vironment Figure Tabs allow you to spread your code across more than one file.
This makes longer code easier to edit and more manageable in general. A new tab is usually created for each class, which reinforces the modularity of working with classes and makes the code easy to find. To create a new tab, click on the arrow at the righthand side of the tab bar.
When you select New Tab from the menu, you will be prompted to name the tab within the message window. NOTE: Each tab shows up as a separate. Robot 7: Objects A software object combines methods functions and fields variables into one unit. The Robot class in this example defines all of the robot objects that will be created from it. Each Robot object has its own set of fields to store a position and the illustration that will draw to the screen. Each has methods to update the position and display the illustration.
The parameters for bot1 and bot2 in setup define the x- and y-coordinates and the. The tempX and tempY parameters are passed into the constructor and assigned to the xpos and ypos fields.
The svgName parameter is used to load the related illustration. An array is a list of variables that share a common name. Arrays are useful because they make it possible to work with more variables without creating a new name for each.
This makes the code shorter, easier to read, and more convenient to update. Example Many Variables To see what we mean, refer to Example Example Arrays, Not Variables Imagine what would happen if you wanted to have 3, circles. This would mean creating 3, individual variables, then updating each one separately. Could you keep track of that many variables? Would you want to? Make an Array Each item in an array is called an element, and each has an index value to mark its position within the array.
Just like coordinates on the screen, index values for an array start counting from 0. For instance, the first element in the array has the index value 0, the second element in the array has the index value 1, and so on. If there are 20 values in the array, the index value of the last element is Figure shows the conceptual structure of an array. An array is a list of one or more variables that share the same name. Using arrays is similar to working with single variables; it follows the same patterns.
As you know, you can make a single integer variable called x with this code: To make an array, just place brackets after the data type: The beauty of creating an array is the ability to make 2, 10, or , variable values with only one line of code. For example, the following code creates an array of 32 PImage variables: To make an array, start with the name of the data type, followed by the brackets.
The name you select for the array is next, followed by the as- signment operator the equal symbol , followed by the new keyword, fol- lowed by the name of the data type again, with the number of elements to create within the brackets.
This pattern works for arrays of all data types. If you need to do this, work with objects instead. Like making an object, there are three steps to working with an array: 1. Declare the array and define the data type.
Create the array with the keyword new and define the length. Assign values to each element. Each step can happen on its own line, or all the steps can be compressed together. Each of the three following examples shows a different tech- nique to create an array called x that stores two integers, 12 and 2.
Pay close attention to what happens before setup and what happens within setup. The idea is to write a loop to move through each element of the array one by one.
To do this, you need to know the length of the array. The length field associated with each array stores the number of elements. We use the name of the array with the dot operator a period to access this value. In this example, the array is first filled with random numbers inside setup , and then these numbers are used to set the stroke value inside draw. Each time the program is run, a new set of random num- bers is put into the array: Example Track Mouse Movements In this example, there are two arrays to store the position of the mouse—one for the x-coordinate and one for the y-coordinate.
These arrays store the location of the mouse for the previous 60 frames. With each new frame, the oldest x- and y-coordinate values are removed and replaced with the current mouseX and mouseY values. The new values are added to the first position of the array, but before this happens, each value in the array is moved one position to the right from back to front to make room for the new numbers. This example visualizes this action. Shifting the values in an array one place to the right.
Arrays of Objects The two short examples in this section bring together every major pro- gramming concept in this book: variables, iteration, conditionals, functions, objects, and arrays. Example Managing Many Objects This example creates an array of 33 JitterBug objects and then updates and displays each one inside draw. For this example to work, you need to add the JitterBug class to the code: The final array example loads a sequence of images and stores each as an element within an array of PImage objects.
Example Sequences of Images To run this example, get the images from the media. The images are named sequentially frame The files are loaded into the array on the fol- lowing line.