Newest version of mysummercar free download

English and 1 more. View Steam Achievements Includes 75 Steam Achievements. View Points Shop Items 3. Points Shop Items Available. Publisher: Amistech Games. Share Embed. Early Access Game Get instant access and start playing; get involved with this game as it develops. Why Early Access? Of course polishing the overall experience is important at the same time.

Game has been extensively tested in closed group, but it is always important to hear fresh suggestions from larger crowd that come from various gaming backgrounds. Plan is to make the game as good as possible but without compromising the core idea.

But the goal should be always going for the finishing of the game and not veer off too much from that path. That should all happen in a year. Also proper beginning and end, so called "story", will be added while in Early Access. Game is like bread dough, where some salt needs to be added. There is playable content easily for hours. Great care has been given to general optimizations since the beginning of development so game should run well with recommended systems. Together with one week launch sale there might be maximum of one 1 sale campaign during Early Access, but not in Our focus will be in ideas that support the core game idea and are practical from development point of view.

Add to Cart. View Community Hub. The site is non-commercial and we are not able to check all user posts. My Summer Car screenshots:. Size: 4. Project hospital. Inertial Drift. Moo lander. Gameplay and setting My Summer Car is set in rural Finland during the summer of , where the year-old player character has the family home to themselves while their parents are on holiday in Tenerife. The player has to assemble, restore and upgrade their father's dilapidated Satsuma AMP modeled after the Datsun A using the car parts scattered inside the garage, as well as by purchasing new parts.

To earn money for the parts, the player can perform various countryside chores for neighbours such as delivering firewood on a tractor-pulled trailer, using a vacuum truck to empty their septic tanks, making kilju Finnish homebrew sugar wine and selling it to an alcoholic neighbor, and picking up aforementioned neighbor from the town pub in the early morning in exchange for a small sum of money.

After passing the Satsuma at the vehicle inspection office and installing the appropriate aftermarket parts, the player's car is eligible to enter a weekly amateur rallying event for a chance to win a trophy and prize money. Building the car is not obvious as the player must literally build the car from the ground up.

At the start of the game, the car is entirely disassembled down to the last bolt, and the player must place each part in its correct location, including bolting them in one-by-one with the correct size spanner. While most parts only fit together correctly, it is entirely possible to assemble the car wrong, e. In addition to gasoline, the car also requires maintenance of additional fluids, including motor oil, radiator coolant, and brake fluids for the brakes and clutch, which deplete in use and time.

The car can be damaged both externally and internally; windows can be broken and panels can be dented the latter being repaired with a sledgehammer , while the engine can be damaged by things such as downshifting at high revs or careless usage of nitrous oxide. A computer can be bought in the local convenience store for recreational purposes.

Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills. If 4 wheel driving is a hobby of yours but you cant get out as often as you would like and have a good wheel and peddles to play with look no further.

The physics are impressive and accurate. Watching the mud fly, the tires spin, and the look and feel and experience make this a blast.


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