Ward also talks about the concept of 'player frustration,' an example of which involves spinning off at the first corner and then spending the next 10 laps hopelessly trying to make inroads on the leaders. Instead, Blur promises intense wheel-to-wheel action, as you trade paint with opponents who are rarely less than a couple of feet away from you in ferocious car races. Featuring a slew of varied licensed cars and a made-up one , which can all take damage and even burst into flames, the trademark authenticity is in evidence.
However, this doesn't extend to tracks, which are based in such diverse locales as California, Barcelona and Hackney. As Ward explains, 'We haven't really gone for absolute realism this time, we've tried to make it like Hollywood-real. Now we can be a bit more creative with it So with Hackney, we've taken the best bits of Hackney, the more interesting bits to race round.
Harapannya semoga kedepan kami bisa selalu membagikan yang terbaik untuk pecinta game di seluruh indonesia. Tentunya game ini bukan sekedar remake biasa, dengan perbaikan system battle yang menyerupai persona 4 dan penambahan female character, Persona 3 portable sukses menjadi salah satu best RPG for PSP. Game ini bercerita tentang sekelompok ABG labil yang berusaha untuk menyelamatkan dunia dari dark hour. Siapa yang tak kenal dengan game PSP? Admin rasa semua tentu sudah mengenal game yang satu ini.
Dari waktu ke waktu selalu muncul update game modnya. Kemudahan dalam mengembangkan game Android menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para modder. Or suggest how to resolve it? Any 'special' settings needed for wotl? Hey guys, Thank you for having this forum up with all this useful information.
I'm running version 0. So far everything is running well but I am having 2 issues. It appears that text can sometimes be delayed. What I mean is when I'm looking at my roster, and I scroll from one unit to another, the previous units text still shows up Name, stats, etc but if you wait for a couple seconds, it updates to the new unit.
It's not a huge issue, but I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem. This is probably the bigger issue, but for audio, I can tell that the sound is off. Instead of a lightning strike when using a spell, it sounds like a ringing sound Almost as if it's just lower quality.
The music seems to be fine, but it's all the sounds. I recall the PSX version having this problem on the Playstation emulators. What fixed it was a different audio codec. It's been awhile so I can't remember which one. Anyone know of a way to fix the sound and text problem? It seems like a couple folks above me are talking about the same sound issue. Can you upload said savestate somewhere? Do you know if it crashes on Windows savestates are cross platform?
Anyway, thanks for the recommendations, Gideon Zhi. They're already on my wanted list. Guess I'll have to try SRW too now, since it's the game that TitanAnteus translated in the thread I used as guidance for text translations.
Just a quick question for anyone who might know: Is there any way to force English as the system language for Japanese games? This is important for loading and saving your game mostly.
Also, being able to switch the X and O buttons would be nice O is the action button, X is the cancel button in JP games. I've made use of the holidays to play the translated parts a bit and make notes on stuff that needed corrections, so the part until mission 12 is starting to look pretty good. For the menu translations, I tried to do that stuff by myself with the help of Blackdog61, but it just got too technical and riddled with obstacles for which I'm just not tech savvy enough yet to deal with.
That's why Black was kind enough to take to look into it himself! Lots of work still needs to be done, so time to get back into it.
When a game calls for the system to offer to save,it can specify a language. Thanks for the hint, Dog. Also, added a translation update in my original post. Member Posts: 3. I've been looking for an english translation for Tactics II, and stumbled upon this thread. I have no previous experience with Japanese or translation-patching, but I am an experienced programmer and would be happy to help.
May translation update in my original post! Host24 Jr. Member Posts: 5. Huh, now this is interesting. I was also having a go at translating Tactics 2, though I was merely poking at it and hadn't looked at getting the translation into the game itself. You're already far and away beyond the minor amount I've done. However, I started by doing a bit of translation into the Rules section - which I'm guessing is what you listed as 'Help'. Idiotically, I'd only translated the Kanji, and then translated the Hiragana to Romanji, making the sentence vaguely understandable for me.
I didn't translate it fully since I have even less experience than you with the Japanese language, and therefore wasn't confident I could interpret the sentence structure correctly.
Since starting again, I've only poked at the translation. To be fair, I also translated everything up to that point, which is a bit more substantial. Still, I have the Kanji already translated for most of the section, which means I can recreate the translation fairly depending on work and the effort I put in quickly.
Would it be of assistance if I continued translating this section, or would you not use it? Hey, Host I'm the programmer for this project. Isourou-san should be able to answer your question about the Help section. Whether or not we can use that work, it's awesome that you're interested in helping translate. There's a lot of work to be done.
Right now there are 3 translation projects we're working on: 1.